1. Bishop Heahmund

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Bishop Heahmund 18+

My father, Loki, was always causing problems for mostly the humans, but when he caused his fellow Gods pain I knew things would change. The day Váli when after Höðr I just knew my father only had days left, but I was wrong. The Æsir captured him tying him with Nari's insides, Skaði having a serpent that dripped venom onto him, and this caused my mother, Sigyn, to stand with a bowl to catch the venom. Of course father got out, and he fought with Heimdallr causing them both to die. After everything died down I hid in the human world as random venders, midwives, and poor women. I didn't know if my Aunts and Uncles would come after me even if I was close to Balder or not. I'm now in Wessex, and their "God" was just comical to me. I follow behind my father with my power, but I cause a little more chaos than he. When I first came to the human world I caused what they called "big flood" that sank some city. I poisoned a whole village with my apples, but I do have a heart, like my mother. In my life as a midwife I never harmed a woman or her baby, their abusive drunk husband had a different story, and I made sure they stayed healthy.

As I sat in my little cart in Wessex selling various vegetables, I could feel something was going to happen. As the days went we got word of Vikings coming to raid Wessex, and the Saxons were boarding everything up. I was able to slip into the deep woods out of the underground tunnels I made just in case they thought I was behind most of the people who were seeing things.

As I get closer I see smoke, and hear talking, but before I can get closer I'm grabbed by a mountain of a man. He makes remarks about my body, and just vulgar statements as he drags me through the camp. I'm brought, more like thrown, in front of three kings Frodo, Hemming, and Angantyr who look over me Frodo, and Hemming looks at me with a sickly grin, but Angantyr just looks me over.

(Norwegian translation from google)

"Som sendte deg?"(Who sent you?) Angantyr asks.

"Hele faren sendte meg." (The all father sent me) I say with a glare at the men who threw me.

"Hvorfor?(Why) Du er viking?" (You are Viking) Angantyr asks, but Hemming asks shocked.

"Ja. (yes) Sakserne har flyttet bueskytterne sine til skogen, så innsiden av dem er ubeskyttet." (The Saxons have moved their archers to the woods, so their inside is unprotected.) I inform pointing to the map.

"Hvorfor skal vi stole på deg?" (Why should we trust you?) Frodo asks.

"Jeg har tunneler for å få deg inn i Wessex." (I have tunnels to get you inside Wessex.) I point to the opening of the tunnels.

Once they understand where the tunnels are I am let go, but before I get close to the tunnels I'm grabbed, tied, and thrown into a wagon. I already know it is the Saxons, so I know fighting only got me locked up. Once back at the castle the guards pull into the throne room, and King Alfred is staring me down. I feel something, I don't know what, in the pit of my stomach. As I got closer I noticed a very handsome man, in golden robes, standing behind King Alfred. I pushed to my knees once we came to the bottom of the steps, and King Alfred stood from his throne.

"The scouts found you talking with the Vikings." King Alfred says.

I stand there in silence.

"Very well if you won't speak to me then..." he nods towards the handsome man. "Bishop Heahmund take her, and get some answers." He orders.

"Yes my lord." He bows.

I can't believe, after all this time, I finally found my soulmate. He is not only Christian, he is their Bishop, and he is going to torture me. I am dragged down to the cellars, and chained with my hands above my head. My heart is actually cracking at the thought of the only person that is supposed to love me torturing me, and my mind goes to the Æsir. Of course this is my punishment.

The cellar door opens, brings me out of my thoughts, and my soulmate comes walking in. He lays down a bunch of different instruments on the table next to me, but he just stares at me with his blue eyes. I look ahead at the wall behind him.

"Who are you?" He asks with a confused face.

I don't say anything, I just look ahead, and hope to hold it together.

"Why were you talking to the heathens?" He asks with more authority.

I snap my face to him when he says heathens.

"What? Don't like your friends being referred to as a heathens?'' He taunts me as he walks around me.

My eyes start to water, but I am the daughter of Loki, and I will not break.

"I will be leaving you here to think of your situation." He walks out after that.

I finally take in a breath, and I silently curse my family for hurting me like this when I was actually close to Balder. That whole night I thought of my Christian Bishop soulmate.

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