3. Hvitserk

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3. Hvitserk

Throughout the years of knowing Hvitserk I have never seen him this bad. Being the daughter of the blacksmith I got close to the sons of Ragnar. Yes they would get drunk, and just make a fool of themselves, but neither would get this bad.. Hvitserk has said he gets visions of Ivar just sitting there, but what no one else knows is that he has nightmares as well. I worry so much for him especially when his eyes started turning red from the lack of sleep, and the mead he drank.

"Bjorn you have to help him." I practically beg him.

"He cannot be helped. He has so much pain from Ivar, and no one can help him." He says taking a sip of his drink.

"It causes me pain to see him like this." I whisper, and Gunnhild rubs my shoulder.

"Just be with him. It's all we can do." She says. "Take him to the hunting cabin, and get him better." She tells me.

"Do you think it will help?" I ask Bjorn.

"It might get him out of the area, and cut him back from the mead." Bjorn shrugs.

I nod, and Hvitserk comes falling into the great hall. I ran to him, helping him to the table, and handed him a plate of bread. He just reaches over it to the mead jug.

"Hvitserk wouldn't you rather have something to eat?" I shyly say. "I made this bread just for you."

''No. He's still there." He mumbles.

"No he is not, but Hvitserk would you like to get out of the town?" I softly take the cup from his hand. "You won't have to worry about anything. I will take care of you."

He just looks up at me with his poor whitened face, and sad eyes.

"He will follow us there." He whispers.

"He won't know anything." I smiled at him. "I have only talked to Bjorn about this." I hand him a piece of bread.

"Fine, but if something happens it isn't my fault." He says as he stands up with the mead jug.

He walks to the back of the great hall, where he hides, and he watches people. I sigh while hanging my head, and pray to the gods for him to be okay.

The next day I went to the cabin to make sure it was clean enough, and I got everything in order for us to stay here. Once I finished at the cabin I got to find Hvitserk hunched over a table.

"Hvitserk." I lightly touch his shoulder. "I got the cabin ready, so whenever you want to go we can."

He jumps up with his bag, and he pulls me behind him as he storms out. He cuts through the houses, and the streets of Kattegat until we get all the way to the cabin. Once we get there he looks around the whole cabin.

"No mead?" He asks.

"No you have had enough for a lifetime." I tell him as I close the door.

That night he ate a whole me, and just sat in silence. We got into a little system, we would wake up, eat, sit outside, I would clean a little while he carved something, hunt, I would cook, and then we would eat dinner then go to bed. He would look around a lot, but today he looked a little more calm.

"I think you should get in the tub." I say as I put a cup of water in front of him.

He looks up at me with a strange look on his face. "You think you know what is best for me." He steps closer to me.

"Yes I do. I have been there for you every time something happened. Remember who you cried to when that mad whore slave girl married Ubbe, and you had to share her. Who did you come to when your mother died?" He grabs my arms. "I will always be here, and I don't understand why you push me away so much." I cry out.

"Because I don't need you to get ruined by me." He pushes away. "(Y/n) you have such a good heart, and I can't hurt you. I can't stop Ivar or anyone from hurting you." He sat at the table.

"Hvitserk." I say as I walk closer getting on my knees in front of him. "I don't care about that. I just want to be with you, and take care of you. It has been killing me seeing you so hurt, and killing yourself." I start to cry. "I need you." I lay my head on his lap.

"(Y/n) is this why you brought me here, so you could help me?" He asks.

I nod. "You just kept drinking, worrying, crying, and not sleeping. I couldn't watch it anymore."

"(Y/n) I'm sorry I've caused you pain." He plays with my hair. "I will stop drinking for a while, and I won't hurt you anymore." He says.

"Thank you Hvitserk." I smile up at him, and he wipes my face.

After a week, we decided to go back to Kattegat, and Hvitserk decided that he would move into my house. He never really gave me an answer, but I liked it. One night he came home with a jug of mead, and poured two cups.

"I want to drink, and I want to drink with you." He hands me a cup. "I know if I drink in the hall I will drink too much."

"Hvitserk..." He stops me.

"Just a couple." He sips his drink.

We drink more than a couple, and we end up on the floor laughing about childhood memories.

"Remember when Sigurd was trying to learn to shoot an arrow, and almost shot Ragnar." I laugh.

"Yea. I remember them making fun of me for talking about you so much." He sits his drink.

"Me?" I laugh. "Why would you talk about me?" I sit my cup down.

"Because they knew I liked you." He sighs. "I listened to them, and got sucked into Margrethe." He looks over at me. "They told me if you were to be with me I would just hurt you like father hurt Lagertha." He mumbles.

He takes hold on my hand as he leans in, and kisses me softly. I kiss back with a squeeze of his hand, and when we pull back he smiles at me with that cute side smile.

"Be with me, and I'll do whatever you tell me to do. I'll never drink again. I'll kill Ivar, or anyone you want." He rants.

"I want you to be happy." I smile up at him.

"With you I am happy." He kisses my forehead.

Over the next couple years we get married, and Hvitserk helps Bjorn in battles. I gave birth to two daughters, Olla and Airi, and both have their father as their own slave.

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