4. Halfdan 18+

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Halfdan 18+

Y/n p.o.v
       People always told my mother that twins were a true blessing of Freya, but when one is a crippled son while the other is a normal girl, it gets more difficult. My brother Ivar was born ten minutes after me, but he deems himself my boss. Growing up I was in charge of pulling Ivar everywhere I went, which was mostly to Uncle Floki's home. He taught us everything we needed to learn on how to be Viking. Most came to fear Ivar, but when I got caught in my own hunting cabin torturing a man that was watching over Kattegat. I got the nickname Galco which means monster.  So far I've never been bothered by the name, people would run away, and I'd be left alone like I like.
       Over the years my brothers have allowed me to be in charge of weapons, but of course I have my shadow behind me telling where I mess up.
"You have to sharpen that end or it won't snap into place." Ivar snaps over my shoulder.
"I know Ivar I'm not finished." I try to calmly respond.
"Don't snap at me, because you're to stupid to actually build weapons properly." He rolls his eyes with his sassy voice.
"Can't build…." I slam the arrow shooter down as I turn to him. "Ivar I've been building weapons while you were going crazy crawling after Floki, so would you shut up." I walk out of the work area we have in the blacksmiths.
       I was stomping my way through Kattegat, people would jump out of my way, but one man kept following me without me even noticing. The brother of King Harald Finehair, Halfdan the Black, a man that has worked with my father and eldest brother, a man I've heard so many stories of, and admired since I began my own stories. I've heard he's been asking questions about me, and since the first stories that are told are my torture stories then I'd say it's good he wants to hear more. I'm opening my cabin's windows when I see a shoulder poking from behind a tree. I quickly grab my bow and arrow, shooting the tree in warning, and to my shock Halfdan jumps from behind with his hand up with a sly smirk on his face. I watch his every step as he walks across the field getting closer to the window.
"Why are you here?" I ask imitately.
"I heard of this cabin, and saw you coming out here. I thought I would get a look at your weapons." He seems to be speaking truthfully.
"Behind a tree?" I smirk at him as I lean on the window.
      He seems to stagger a bit, but when I point to the door he walks inside. He eyes all the weapons I have hanging on the walls, but stops at my baskets of snakes.
"I tend to collect different snakes I see on my walks." I honestly tell him.
       We get comfortable talking about the different weapons I have made or in the middle of making. He helps me finish the arrow shooter and advance another weapon I had. We tell stories as we work, mostly raiding stories, his England times, and I give him my details of my nickname sake. The way we move together is like we've been with each other for years. Once the sun starts to set I roast some meat and potatoes as we sit on the palette I have made of blankets and pillows.
"I still don't understand why Galco is your name. Why would a mother name a gorgeous girl like that?" He waves around the bone he has in his hand.
"My name is (y/n) Halfdan." I laugh. "People just call me that since I started torturing people." I take the plates away as I laugh.
"(Y/n) is much better." He compliments, standing up. "I'd much rather call you that." He's standing against my back now.
"Halfdan, you know my brothers will kill you if you continue to try this." I informed him.
"Love, do you think.." he runs his hands on my waist to connect them on my stomach. "I care about your brothers when I have a goddess like you in front of me." He softly kisses my shoulder, causing me to lean my head back. "I want you as mine (y/n)." He whispers to me as he moves his hands along my body. "I need someone who thinks like I do, who can handle my ways." He turns me around to face him.
"Halfdan, I take words seriously. If this happens then you are mine." I grab his arms so I can lean into him.
       He deeply kisses me while he pulls me against his chest, and all I could do was move my hands to hold onto the back of his shoulders. Everything moves so fast as he pulls my dress off to me pulling his clothes apart. He slowly lays me onto the palette with a hand behind my head, and his arm around my waist. His lips move around my neck, shoulder, down my chest, and once to my breast he licks my nipple in circles. I hold onto the back of his head not really feeling anything in my body other than heat, and shaking.
"Halfdan please." I moan out as he kisses down.
       His head goes in between my legs using his shoulders to keep them out of his way. I've never had a man do this to me before, and I'm angry at every man I've been with for not doing this amazing thing. I couldn't stop moaning his name loud, and having my back shoot up into an arch. He keeps moving his tongue around, but he adds his finger into me. With his finger curling up, his tongue circling around I tighten my legs around his head and cum so hard making him groan as he gets everything. As he stands on his knees he wipes his mouth, but his eyes stop me. They were almost black with a primal look, like he was claiming me completely just for him. I let my legs rest on his hips as he leans over me with his hard cock slowly entering making me gasp, but he kisses me as he bottoms out. I hold the back of his head with one hand, his side with the other as he starts moving. He rests his forehead against mine with a groan while I moan out. He grips my hip as he goes harder.
"Halfdan!" I yell from the stretch I've never felt.
"Mine" He groans, his head falling into my neck.
      He starts pounding away like he lost all self power, and is letting everything go. I can't even begin to think of how good he feels from the non stop cumming. He lifts my legs higher to his shoulders making him go so much deeper than before. He's holding onto my hips using them to help him pound into me. My body arches as I let out a loud moan, but as I feel my body shake he groans loud.
"Fuck!" Halfdan finishes deep inside me with a tight grip on my hips.
        He lets my legs fall as he slowly pulls out of me causing a surprise gasp to leave my mouth. He gives me a smirk as he leans back down to kiss me, and lay down next to me. I'm so relaxed my eyes won't open, and his body is so warm I don't want to move.

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