3. Bjorn 18+

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3. Bjorn 18+

When I first met Bjorn I was 12, and he was at my father's village with his father Ragnar. My father has always kept me away from everyone, and he had good reason. My mother died the day of their wedding along with so many others, and my father locked me away with the most trusted and fierce shieldmaidens. You see my parents got pregnant, had me, and then got married.

Well I met Bjorn by accident. I was walking around the little stream by my hut, and when I dipped my feet in the water a boy came around the tree.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"(Y/n) and you are?" I look up at him.

"Bjorn. I'm here with my father." He plays with a stick he moved, so he could sit.

"Well you must be getting back the feast is starting." I state looking at the water.

"Aren't you going to come?" He looks over at me confused.

I shake my head. "No, I don't live in the village."

"Why not?"

"Because my father doesn't want me to." I state.

"BJORN!" A deep voice yells through the trees.

"I'll see you around then." He jumps up and runs away.

"No you won't." I sigh as I go back to my hut that's hidden in a hill.

~5 years later~

My father was dead, and for his own foolishness. He thought he could take over Kattegat, and Ragnar Lothbrok himself. I was there the night my father was killed by blood eagle, and he actually had my mother's skull. He had lost his mind, and I will always remember the look in his eye when he locked eyes with me as he kneeled. My stepmother Torvi still doesn't know who I am, but Ragnar does. I suppose my father told him while he was locked up. He found me, I was picking vegetables at 18, in this little hut my father built in the trees.

"I know who you are, but I won't kill you." Ragnar says smirking at me.

"Why not?" I back up against the hill.

"Because my son has been looking for you since he was a child." He scoffs.

"Me? I don't think so. I haven't met anyone in years." I start to panic, because he could be playing with me.

"You didn't meet a boy, 4 years ago, a blonde boy?" He asks

I can't believe it. I didn't put it together. "Bjorn..but he didn't." I gasp looking wide eyes at him.

"That's right, and wouldn't shut up about a girl with(H/C), and deep (E/C) eyes." He looks me over. "He finally came back with his mother, and he would love to see you."

I shake my head. "Not after fighting against my father. I've heard they call him Ironside. Why would you want your son to be with the daughter of the person you just Blood Eagled?" I rant.

"Because I know you are a strong girl, just hiding it, very smart, good at healing, because my sources that are in the village tell me you help everyone. They just don't know where you came from. Besides telling Bjorn is your choice."

That was a couple weeks ago, and I'm treated like a guest when I come to the feasts, and it bothers me, I'm not used to being served. Bjorn just watches me like he can't figure me out.

"So Bjorn are you ready to go raiding?" Aslaug asks with a smile.

"Yes I can't wait to see what I find." He smirks.

"(Y/n) would you like to stay here when the men leave? I could use more woman contact when it's nothing but men around." Aslaug laughs

"I'll come visit yes, but I rather stay at my own little hut." We giggle together.

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