2. King Alfred

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2. King Alfred 


          I didn't expect my husband to be a King of an actual kingdom, maybe if a small kingdom like Mercia was, but when my father said Queen Judith was looking for a wife for her son Alfred. I was the third born of my family, and the second daughter. My life was in the shadows, so I was anxious as we pulled into the gates. Father and mother stepped out first meeting Queen Judith and King Aethelwulf, and when I stepped out Queen Judith seemed to light up. It took a while for King Aethelwulf to open up to me, but once he saw I wasn't here just for the title. Meeting Alfred was an adventure, he would only meet in the library, and be closed off around others. It wasn't until a week before our wedding, a month since I've been here, I told him I was his equal, and if he continued to treat me like an accessory I would leave. Since then he has kept his promise, and he'd ask my opinion, give me choices, and let me learn what I wanted. I honestly thought he would go back to his old self, but he didn't. 

           Today, as Alfred and I sat in our chamber doing what normal married couples do when there's a knock. Alfred stops his movements with a sigh, and with a kiss he stands up, grabbing his robes. I sit up, holding a blanket over me, and I watch Alfred stomp to the door. 

"My lord Bishop Heahmund has returned." I heard the servant inform him.

"Thank you." Alfred shuts the door, hurrying to get dressed. "My love, please get dressed, and meet me in the hall." He rushes out.

He stops at the door, and walks back to me. He pulls to the edge of the bed, and holds the side of my face. 

"We will finish when this is done." I smile at him as he softly kisses me. "Hurry love."

        I called in my maids to help dress me. I usually don't ask help to dress, but they understood I had to hurry. Once dressed, and hair done I fast walked to the great hall. 

"Ahh, My Queen, you look gorgeous." Alfred smiles at you causing your face to heat up as I walk closer.

I grab the hand Alfred holds out to me, and I kiss his cheek before turning to the man standing next to the maps. 

"Bishop Heahmund I assume. Lovely to have you back." I shake his hand. "I hope you have been able to relax some before meeting with us." I say as I sit on my throne. 

"I have important things to discuss with you both." He says. "As you know I was taken by pagans, and was made to fight with them..''

"Fight with them? Bishop Heahmund have you gone heathen?" I ask, surprised. 

"I can assure you, your highness. I am the same warrior of God I was before." He tells me.

"Good, but as you know, Bishop Heahmund, we can't just trust that." Alfred says. 

"I know your highness." He bows. 

"Is that all?" 

"No sire. I wish for sanctuary for some Vikings that helped me." He asks Alfred, still bowed. 

"Sanctuary for Vikings?" I shockingly look at Alfred. 

"Who are they?" 

"Sons, ex wife of Ragnar Lothbrok." Heahmund says. 

"Bring them here." Alfred orders, Heahmund bows before leaving. "(Y/n) I know you don't like this arrangement, but I have great history with these Vikings." He informs me.

          He then begins to tell me about Ragnar Lothbrok was the reason his family had to exile in the marshes, and how he and Ivar would play chess while he and his father, Ragnar, were here. It was dinner once he finished his stories, so we ate, in comfortable silence. As I ate I began to think how Vikings could help us in battles. 

"I was just thinking, if we could get the Vikings to teach us strategies it could be a great plan." I say to Alfred as we walk to our chambers. 

"That is a good idea, love." He wraps his arm around my waist as we come to the door. 

      He kisses me passionately before walking us into the room, and puts me to sleep. 

        The next morning I woke to a maid telling me Alfred was about to hold counsel, so I needed to be present. Once I got there I noticed everyone on edge, and it wasn't until I was about to sit on my next to Alfred's throne. The small group of Vikings stood freely next to the steps. They looked very powerful, the men had a rougher look as the women looked fiercely beautiful. The room got quiet as Alfred walked in, and once he kissed my cheek he sat down. 

"Lagertha, Bjorn it's great to see you again, and Ubbe, Torvi welcome to Wessex. I'd like to introduce my wife (y/n)." I give a small smile as they bow. 

"I've heard great stories about you Lagertha, and I wish you could teach me some things." I say earning a smile from her.

"I know you need sanctuary here, so I've come up with a solution. You will help strengthen my army, and need to be baptized into Christianity. In exchange I will give you not only the sanctuary you asked for, but the lands that were taken from your  " His booming voice over powers the angry murmurs of the counsel. "You have till tomorrow to answer." With that he gently grabs my hand, and we walk out. 


"I know. I know." He sighs.

       He knew he just caused a whole lot of headaches for himself. We get to the library, and he gets straight to work as I grab the book I was reading. After some time I told him I was going to walk around, and I didn't notice until I heard cheering that I was watching the Vikings train-play with the guards. I laughed, shaking my head as I watched the Viking laugh. I feel a tap on my shoulder to see Lagertha smiling at me 

"Come Queen (y/n) join the heathens in some fun." She laughs, sitting me at the table next to Torvi. "Have some mead." 

        I took a sip, and the mixture of tastes woke my body up. I knew I shouldn't be here, but it was fun. After some time I was laughing with Lagertha and Torvi braided my hair like a Viking woman, but of course someone had to ruin the fun. A counselman came storming our way, and with a sigh I finished the drink. 

"Your majesty?! What are you doing?" He snaps. 

"I am enjoying my time with our new neighbors." I smile.

"You can't be doing this, come back inside." He goes to reach my arm.

"Don't you touch me!" I yell. "Have you lost your mind trying to touch me? I will only move for my husband, and until he comes to get me I will be here drinking mead with the heathens!'' I yell, getting a cheer from the Vikings. 

         The councilman turned red from anger, and finally stomped off when I looked at him, taking a sip of my drink. He stomps away, and with a laugh I sit down letting Torvi finish my hair. She had just finished when I see Alfred walking my way with the councilman following with guards in tow, and the councilman was arguing about something. Alfred comes to a stop in front of me with a smirk, and he holds up a braid with his eyebrows raised. 

"Well look at you, love." Alfred chuckles. 

"My lord this isn't a laughing matter. She is Queen sipping with heathens." He argues. 

"All I did was sit when I was tired from walking, and these loving women helped me relax." I calmly say. "Besides, what I'm doing isn't as bad as trying to grab the queen, and man handle her." I smirk into my cup as I look at a smirking Lagertha. 

"What do you mean love?" Alfred sits next to me with a confused look on his face. 

"I didn't get up when he ordered me too, so he tried to grab me."I told him.

"It's true King Alfred. He almost pulled her arm as she tried to grab her cup." Torvi tells him. 

         Alfred kisses my cheek before standing up, and whispers something in the guard ear. They nod before grabbing the councilman, screaming and kicking, dragging him to the cells. Alfred waves at me as he follows behind them, and I laugh with everyone. 

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