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Chapter 7- The Serpent Trial

The next day at schools Toni looked concerned as she approached us, catching the injuries on a few Serpents and then the ones on us.

"What happened to you lot?" She snapped as she gazed at my beaten lip and then to Sweet Peas black eye.

"There was a fight" Fangs told her. "Bulldogs versus Serpents"

"Jughead's not going to be happy" Toni gasped as we walked over to the table where some Serpents gathered around.

"I know" I sighed as I stood beside Sweet Pea, glancing down at the papers on the table. "What's that?"

"We're getting revenge again, something bigger this time" A random Serpent said. "Read this" He passed an article to Sweet Pea and I watched the fury build in Sweet Pea as he slammed the article down on the table.

"Damn it!" He yelled.

For a few minutes the Serpents discussed the plan they had in mind whilst me and Toni listened in. I spotted Jughead as he hurried over and I noticed the confusion on his face.

"Nice article your girlfriends Mom wrote" Sweet Pea said to Jughead once he spotted him.

"Yeah, I saw that" Jughead sighed. "Dilton Doiley was stabbed and said a bunch of you guys jumped him"

"Yeah idiot stabbed himself, with his own knife" Fangs said back as he stood up.

"And we didn't jump him" Sweet Pea corrected. "There was a fight. Bulldogs versus Serpents. And see this?" Sweet Pea pointed to my face which was still sore.

Jughead's eyes widened in horror as he stared at me.

"Bulldogs done that to her and this, Archie Andrews did" Sweet Pea said, pointing to his eye.

"You was at the fight!?" Jughead snapped at me.

"So what?" I shrugged. "It was okay until his girlfriend shot a gun into the air"

"What happened?" He questioned, totally surprised.

"And, of course. Northsiders get off scot-free, and the rest of us are hauled in by Police" Sweet Pea snapped.

"It's payback time" Fangs mumbled.

"What are you guys talking about?" Jughead asked as he looked around and then down at the sheets of paper. "What is-? What is that? Is that a pipe bomb!?"

"Fogartys cousin served in the army. He's gonna build us something" Sweet Pea said.

"We'll do it after hours. It'll shut the Riverdale Register down once and for all" Fangs said as he looked up at us all.

"You think blowing up a building is going to make things better!?" Jughead snapped.

"It can't get any worse" Sweet Pea sighed.

"Yeah, Sweet Pea, it can. Maybe, someone will end up hurt and I don't want that to be you Natalie!" Jughead snapped. "Let me talk to Archie, let me figure this out, okay?"

"Man, that's your answer for everything. Talk and more talk. We don't even know who you stand with. Us, or them?" Sweet Pea snapped back at Jughead.

"Sorry Jug, but you can't be half a Serpent" I sighed. Sweet Pea patted my shoulder as Serpents started separating and walking away.

Once Sweet Pea and Fangs had walked away it was only me left with Toni and Jughead.

"Great. So, Archie's started World War III" Jughead sighed as he sat down.

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