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Chapter 23- Serpent Enemy

"Now, just a reminder that this School Hall is a PTA-sponsored event" spoke Alice Cooper into the microphone. "Oh!Looks like we have our first question"

"Yeah. No offence to the current administration, but it feels like no ones looking out for the students being bused in from the Southside. Will that change?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Absolutely, Sweet Pea. It's our priority. No one should be marginalised or excluded" Jughead replied as he sat on a chair beside Betty. Sweet Pea sat back down beside me. His hand holding mine as the crowded hall of not only students but parents too upraised in low chatter.

"Jughead and I will be representing all students, North and Southside alike" Betty added.

"Next question!" Alice pleaded. "Yes, Midge?"

"My question is for Archie and Veronica. Rumour has it that your parents will soon be on opposite sides of the mayoral election. Won't that negatively affect your working relationship?" Midge asked.

"Archie and I adhere to the old maxim that politics are never discussed at the dinner or the cafeteria table" Veronica replied. The crowd all laughed at what Veronica had said.

"Veronica and I are on the same page, including her family's plan for a prison on the Southside" Archie added.

"In the meantime, we're committed to improving life at Riverdale High. Which means more extracurriculars-" Veronica began to speak but Josie over spoke her.

"Reggie and I agree, except add the fact that we can, and will, deliver results" Josie said.

"And we're chill, unlike these guys" Reggie added. Again the crowd began to chuckle.

During the break, I stood with Sweet Pea as we watched the crowded corridors.

"So is Betty like...living in your trailer?" Sweet Pea questioned as he looked down at me.

"Yeah. She's staying in Jughead's room. Dad insisted Jug had his room so my dads sleeping on the couch" I sighed.

"All because of creepy chic?" He asked again.

"Yep" I said nodding. 

Sweet Pea stood in front of me, my back against the locker as he kissed me again. His soft lips touching mine made me smile. The safe comfort making me sigh.

"Hey!" Yelled a voice that made Sweet Pea step back. I sighed as Dad started walking over.

"Dad seriously!?" I groaned.

"This is a school. Not a god damn make out club...hands off" Dad muttered as he pushed Sweet Pea back.

"Your so dramatic" I huffed as I kissed Sweet Pea purposely on the lips and took his hand and we walked away, smirking as we hurried down and other corridor. We passed Jughead and Betty who were hiding from Alice and we met up with Fangs and walked to our motorcycles.

"You kissed in front of your dad!?" Fangs gasped as I told him about what just happened.

"We did" I said with a smirk.

"Good luck Sweet Pea" Fangs chuckled as he started his motorcycle engine and he waved before he drove away.

"You okay driving home by yourself?" Sweet Pea questioned as he looked at me worried.

"Of course. Besides I'll just wait for Jughead" I replied giving him a hug.

"Okay. Call me when you get home, okay, so I know your safe" Sweet Pea sighed before he drove away too.

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