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Chapter 17- Pickens Day

The next day at school Toni was desperate to speak to me and Jughead that we were physically dragged into an empty classroom during lunch. Toni had the Blue & Gold in her hands and her face filled with annoyance.

"General Pickens was a murderer, and ripples from his gruesome acts continue to be felt today. Descendants of the victims are still being displaced. So, I challenge the Northside, instead of honouring men like General Pickens and Hiram Lodge, hold them accountable. Reparations must be paid to men like Thomas Topaz, who are too old and beaten down to fight back for themselves!?" Toni read from the paper. She looked up annoyed.

"This town is messed up, and it needs to own up to its history" Jughead responded.

"My grandfather isn't some broken-down victim. Okay!? Or some prop for your insane vendetta against the Northside" Toni muttered. She was clearly annoyed with Jughead much to question why I was being involved.

"No, of course not" Jughead replied.

"Look. I get it. You hate the Northside. You hate that instead of inviting you to a party, they ask you to work it. It triggers your rage about being born on the wrong side of the tracks. But this? This wasn't your story to tell" Toni sighed as she forced the Blue & Gold into Jughead's hand. She walked out of the room leaving both myself and Jughead in silence.

Jughead sighed. "I didn't mean to hurt Toni like that"

"I know. You never mean harm in your writing...mostly...but she'll cool down" I replied. Jughead put his arm around me and my head rested on his shoulder. "She can't stay mad at you forever"

"Thanks Nat" Jughead whispered.

Toni ended up avoiding me for the rest of the day and the next. On the day of Pickens day I wondered what she had planned as clearly she had planned something as low chatter began with her and the serpents. Neither Sweet Pea or Fangs would tell me anything and Jughead was kept in the dark as well. However it wasn't long until Jughead too was in on whatever mystery plan was happening.

"Jughead are you seriously not going to tell me what's happening!?" I yelled as he was about to leave.

"Listen, Sweet Pea doesn't want you involved and nor do I in case something happens...So act normal and please be careful" Jughead muttered as he held me in his arms.

"Okay. Okay fine" I sighed as he put his Serpent jacket on and left.

I grabbed my serpent jacket and put it on, heading to my motorcycle as I watched as Jughead drove off.

Pickens Day was festive. People were laughing and talking and I didn't really know what to expect from the serpents.

"Natalie? Wheres Jughead?" Betty asked as she walked over to me.

"With the serpents...they've planned something" I sighed.

"Oh I hope it's not some riot" Betty sighed.

"That wouldn't end well...though it might be if they didn't want me involved" I responded.

"They didn't want you involved?" Betty questioned.

"For my safety" I replied sarcastically. We watched as the Pussy cats, minus Josy, performed on stage and it wasn't long till the crowd uplifted In sudden whispers and a crowd of serpents, with duck tape over their mouths and some with signs walked through the crowd. Indeed Jughead, Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs were there.

"Oh no" I mumbled as Betty glanced at me.

"Toni?" Veronica questioned. "Jughead? What the hell is going on?"

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