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Chapter 25- Prisoners

No one knew what had really happened behind the scenes during Carrie The Musical. But now everyone stood by at the funeral of Midge Klump. A well loved student at Riverdale high. A cheerleader and a girlfriend.

The River Vixens were dressed in special black uniforms to show respect to the loss of one of their members.

Cheryl sung specially for Midge and everyone was silent as they listened. Questioning how such a sudden tragedy could struck so suddenly.

School days went by slowly as people could only glance at the locker that once belonged to Midge. Of course no shocker, Serpents were given disgusted looks as people were still believing it was a Southsider who was the Blackhood. People were angry. People were scared. But we could do nothing about any of it.

"Are you just going to follow me around all day?" I questioned as Sweet Pea leant against the locker beside mine.

"If it means protecting you...yes" He replied.

"So now your scared of the Black hood?" I questioned.

"No. I...maybe" Sweet Pea admitted.

"Jugheads holding a serpent meeting..." I sighed as I closed my locker. Sweet Pea smiled slowly and he took my hand as we walked to the classroom where Jughead and the other young serpents were.

"War baby called my father and I from Shankshaw. Our adversaries, the Ghoulies, have been released. Word on the street, they want Serpent blood. They're gunning for a rematch. They want war" Jughead informed us. Before he could speak anymore Reggie stormed in with the bulldogs behind him. I could see the fear building up in Fangs face as he looked down at the floor.

"Which one of you reptiles was screwing Midge Klump?" Reggie asked as he looked around.

"What the hell is going on?" Jughead questioned. "This is a private meeting"

"I'm guessing it was you, Sweet Pea. I always knew you weren't going to be a good boyfriend to Natalie...you'd go running for someone else quicker then she'd go running for a bulldog...like myself" Reggie sighed.

"Reggie that's enough" Archie muttered as he looked around. Sweet Pea looked at me as well as Jughead did as Sweet Pea stepped in front of Jughead, standing in front of Reggie.

"You ass. I didn't even know Midge. But yeah I get why she wouldn't want fleas from you mangy bulldogs. But give up trying to get with my girlfriend. She's not interested" Sweet Pea muttered.

Reggie shoved Sweet Pea which made Sweet Pea charge back at him.

"Reggie no!" Archie yelled as both bulldogs and Serpents stood up and charged as a big group.

Myself and Toni were pulled back out of the way by Fangs and another Serpents as Jughead and Archie pulled Sweet Pea and Reggie apart.

"Serpents, back off! Now!" Jughead yelled as he looked back at everyone.

"Dark circle, stand down!" Archie ordered as he pushed the bulldogs back. Archie looked at Jughead before he pushed everyone out the room. Sweet Pea glared at Reggie before he turned back to me. He placed a hand on my cheek as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry" He whispered as he hugged me.


After school, the guilt in Fangs had built up too much and he appeared at our trailer door. I knew he'd come to tell Jughead so I let him in and he sat down opposite Jughead. I stood behind Jughead as Fangs looked worried.

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