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Chapter 8- Southside Highs Raid

The next morning I was woken up by Sweet Pea as he accidentally elbowed me in the stomach as he moved around.

"Ow-" I hissed as I sat up, rubbing my stomach as I scrunched my eyes up.

"Sorry. Sorry" Sweet Pea apologised quickly as he looked up at me. I noticed he was entirely shirtless and my eyes widened and I felt my cheeks glow scarlet red. "Easy Shortcake. Your looking a little red"

"Shut up" I mumbled embarrassed as I covered my face with my hands.

"No. It's cute" Sweet Pea teased as he grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face.

"Oh I hate you" I muttered.

"I love you too" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes as I got up and I gazed at my phone for the time.

"Jughead" I greeted my twin as I walked into the kitchen, an hour after Sweet Pea had left.

"Natalie" He answered back in the same tone.

"Good night?" I asked as I pointed to his face which has cuts scattered across it and a few light bruises.

"Great night" He nodded.

"Did Toni keep you company?" I asked with a grin.

"Oh gosh" Jughead sighed.

"She a good kisser?" I asked with the same teasing grin.

"Damn it. If you tell anyone-" Jughead began but I stopped him.

"I won't" I threw my hands up. "But I'm not the only one who saw"

"Sweet Pea?" Jughead guessed.

"Bingo" I nodded.

"Well that is great" Jughead scoffed.


At school the next day, I was waiting for Jughead at my locker like he had told me to when I started hearing yelling. Then I heard Archie's voice clearly down the other corridor.

"Where's Natalie!?" He snapped loudly.

"Natalie!?" I heard Jughead yell. Now filling with confusion I walked around the corner just as Sheriff Keller and other deputies charged through the doors of Southside High with sniffer dogs and Mayor McCoy following.

They were pointing at the students which had a symbol of them being a Serpent and my eyes widened in shock. Jughead ran over to me when he spotted me and his eyes widened as he noticed I was wearing my Serpent Jacket.

"Shit, take it off!" He snapped as he pulled at my Serpent Jacket. "Take the jacket off!"

I was pulled by him as we backed away from the deputies and my eyes caught Toni as she appeared from another corridor.

"Toni!" Jughead yelled again but Toni was pinned against a locker by a deputy.

Then I spotted him. Sweet Pea.

"Sweet Pea!" I yelled as I watched the tall Serpent being forced against some lockers.

"Hey! No!" Jughead yelled as he pulled me back. "You can't help him from behind bars"

Sweet Pea slammed his fist against the locker as he watched me leave with Jughead and Archie. Guilt filled me as I walked beside the two guys away from Southside High and to the comfort of Pops. I hadn't been to Pops since my dad had been arrested. The stares from Northsiders, judging me from head to toe wasn't what I fancied.

"Guys, calm down" Archie mumbled.

"Calm down, Andrews!?" I spat back.

"Riverdale just became a police state!" Jughead snapped.

"McCoys convinced the Serpents are dealing Jingle-Jangle" Archie sighed.

"Serpents don't deal that stuff. The Ghoulies do" I snapped.

"So, tell Mayor McCoy that" Archie told me.

"Oh, Mayor McCoy, the person who just arrested, members of my gang, my friends, and my boyfriend for no reason" I replied back sarcastically.

"Why do you care anyway, man?" Jughead asked him. "Thought you and Betty wanted nothing to do with me, right?" Jughead snapped at Archie.

"I'm sorry about what happened, and how it happened" Archie apologised.

"We gotta go" I sighed, switching my phone off. "Tall Boy wants to parley"

There, me and Jughead left Archie and we made our way to the Whyte Wyrm.


"Sit down, kids" Tall Boy sighed as me and Jughead walked into a secret room in the Whyte Wyrm. "Business to discuss"

"Tall Boy, what the hell is this?" Jughead asked as we looked around.

"Where are we?" I asked as I observed the room.

"Your in my house" A guy spoke as he came out from behind us. Jughead grabbed my arm tightly as the guy passed us. He chuckled. "It's the house of the dead. And aren't you a pretty thing" He smirked at me while Jughead gave him a dark death glare as he pulled me closer to him.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked in a harsh tone.

"Take it easy, Natalie. Malachai speaks for the Ghoulies" Tall Boy told us. "The heat on us and our ranks depleted, our tribes needs to unite, and that's gonna be easier to do if you endorse this partnership?"

"Us?" Jughead questioned.

"You're FP's kids!" Tall Boy reminded us.

"You'd better get used to it" Malachai said with a smile.

"Are you seriously going to do this to our dad?" Jughead asked. "Your suppose to be his right hand!"

"The Northside declared war today. Your old man ain't here to call the shots. And, yeah, I'm his right hand. That makes me de facto leader here and now" Tall Boy said. "So...things are changing, Jones. Either you change with them or suffer the consequences"

Malachai chuckled. "Evolve or die, baby. Evolve or die"

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