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Chapter 30- Serpent Lovers

"So...your Serpent Queen" Sighed Sweet Pea as we cuddled in my bed.

"I am" I smirked.

"Oh kneel down to her highness..." Sweet Pea spoke sarcastically.

"Well I was going to ask you something..." I mumbled.

"And what is that?" Sweet Pea questioned as he sat up. He pulled me into his lap and I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"I was wondering...if maybe...you wanted to be my King?" I questioned with a smile.

"Wait...Wait seriously!?" Sweet Pea questioned as he looked at me wide eyed.

"Mhm..." I nodded. Sweet Pea pulled me into a kiss and then smiled against my lips.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked.

"Is it a yes...because I won't be accepting a no" I sighed.

"Of course I'll be your King..." Sweet Pea chuckled.

"Then all hail the Serpents King" I laughed as I pulled Sweet Pea into a passionate kiss.

Once I pulled away and sat back next to Sweet Pea he looked at me with a smile. I rested my head on his shoulder, groaning a little as I moved.

"What does Jughead think about this? You being queen" Sweet Pea questioned.

"I think he's okay with it. He's second in command or well that's how I put it" I sighed. "But I still wonder why dad chose me and not him"

"Serpents will listen to you" Sweet Pea replied.

"They listen to Jug, too" I sighed defending Jughead.

"For you" Sweet Pea huffed.

"Right" I sighed as I sat back up. Sweet Pea turned my head so I looked back at him.

"I love you...my Queen" He whispered as he placed his hands on my face. His fingertips gentle on the cuts that still were healing.

"And I love you...my king" I said back.

And with that our lips touched again. A soft passionate kiss between the two of us. My arms wrapping around Sweet Peas neck and his hands holding my face as he refused to let me go. But as our lips did slowly parted, our smiles were as true as ever yet.

"Our stories not over..." I whispered.

"Far from it" Sweet Pea added in a low voice as he pressed his head against mine.

Third Person POV

Meanwhile, afar from the two loving Serpents, a meeting was taking place. A plan was brewing. A plan that meant danger for the Serpents. The building up of revenge.

"Ladies, gentlemen, it's been months in the making, but we're finally here" Spoke Hiram as he looked upon him. Penny Peabody, Penelope Blossom, Minetta, Malachai and Claudius Blossom.

"Welcome to the new Southside" Hiram added.

"Where's your wife, Hiram?" Penelope questioned.

"Now that she's mayor, there are machinations she can't be privy to. But the plan remains the same. The prison will be up and operational. With your drugs running through it, Claudius"

"Like brother, like brother" Penny huffed.

"Malachai and his Ghoulies will be our soldiers and dealers, with Ms. Peabody troubleshooting, and hopefully doing a better job than she did killing Natalie Jones" Hiram sighed.

"She wasn't breathing when we left her" Penny replied defensively.

"You promised me a brothel, Hiram" Penelope suddenly mentioned.

"All in good time, Madame Blossom" Hiram nodded.

"What about your daughter? And her meddlesome friends?" Claudius questioned.

"Not a concern" Hiram answered. "Steps have been taken to dissolution the very glue that holds them together"

And with that he took a sip of his drink and smiled.


And with the following day at school, Hiram's plan struck.

As students gathered in the hall for the end of year celebrations, the crowd cheering and calming as Weatherbee spoke.

"Students, faculty and staff. Before we inaugurate Archie Andrews as our new student council president, please rise for our national anthem" he spoke.

Everyone stood up quickly. I was stood between Fangs and Sweet Pea as we stood behind Jughead, Betty and Veronica. We watched as Josie took a step in front of the microphone and she started to sing.

Oh, say, can you see
By the Dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilights last gleaming
Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Through the perilous fight

But as Josie kept singing, the doors to the hall opened and in walked Sheriff Minetta followed by other cops as they marched towards Archie. We all watched confused as they arrested Archie.

O'er the ramparts we watched
Were so gallantly streaming

Josie stopped singing as she watched with a confused look.

"Sheriff Minetta what are you doing?" Archie asked as he was as confused as everyone else.

"Archie Andrews, you're under arrest for the murder of shadow lake resident, Cassidy Bullock" Minetta answered.

"What? I didn't kill him-" Archie tried to speak.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. Do you understand these rights?" Minetta spoke.

"What the..." I gasped as I watched.

"What's going on?" Fangs questioned.

"Why are they arresting him?" Betty questioned as she looked at Jughead.

"I...I don't know" Jughead mumbled.

Everyone else was just as confused. Whispering and making assumptions as we watched as they walked Archie out of the hall, the doors closing behind them and he was gone.

Hiram had struck again.

And this time, it costed Archie.

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