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Chapter 29- A New Chapter For The Serpents

The following morning dad agreed to let me be released much to his dislike. Sweet Pea waited for me as I changed. I stood, tracing my fingers over the bruises on my body, the stitches and the bandages and I sighed. Once I was ready I walked out and over to Sweet Pea who pulled me into his arms gently. The hug wasn't as real and normal as usual. Mainly because Sweet Pea was trying to not squeeze or touch anywhere near my stomach as he had a general fear he'd hurt me.

"Okay...Miss Jones, before you go there are some rules...rules to help your recovery work and go quick and swiftly" spoke the doctor as he held a clip board.

"Like?" I questioned as dad stood the other side of me.

"No sports, no driving, no alcohol or consumption of drugs, no sexual activity and to rest as much as possible, avoid walking around much. You may attend school but again, be cautious of how much your moving about" The doctor informed us. The rules seemed pretty easy to follow though one Sweet Pea was a bit heated about.

"Let's go then shall we" dad sighed as he signed the last form and he started to walk out.

"I just want to be in my own home...my own room...with the people I love" I muttered.

"Well you gotta take it easy...alright?" Sweet Pea mumbled as he opened the truck door for me. I nodded at him and climbed in. He closed the door and got into the back. As dad got in he spoke up. "Drive more gently this time please FP"

"What?" I questioned as I looked back at Sweet Pea.

"So I might of hit a few cars and bins while I was rushing my daughter to the hospital..." Dad sighed as he started to drive away from the hospital.

"Right...thanks dad" I chuckled as I leaned back. I stared out of the window to the things flying past as we drove at the right speed limit past them. Once arriving at the remains of Sunnyside trailer park I couldn't help the pit feeling in my stomach.

"Isn't this lovely..." I spoke sarcastically.

Once we were outside the trailer I'd opened the car door and was out of the car quickly as I hurried to the trailer, pushing inside as I sighed with the feeling of home as it circled around me.

"Natalie!" Sweet Pea yelled as he quickly followed me into the trailer.

"What?" I muttered as I looked up at him.

"You could have tripped" Sweet Pea groaned as he put his arms gently around my waist and he laid his chin on the top of my head. 

"Right" I sighed. "Is this how we're going to be for the rest of my life?"

"If it means your safe...yes" Sweet Pea answered. I sighed as I turned around and pulled his chin down so his lips were level with mine and I kissed his slowly.

"Hey! Separate" Snapped Dad in a stern voice.

"Seriously" I groaned as Sweet Pea stepped back.

"You get yourself back to your trailer...and you get yourself to your room" Dad mumbled as he pointed towards the door.

"What...why!?" I snapped as I crossed my arms.

"Because your still recovering and you need to rest" spoke Jughead as he appeared in the doorway.

"Jug!" I sighed as he walked over to me and he slowly put his arms around me.

"Hey" he sighed as he kept his arms around me. Once he let me go he stood beside me as we faced dad.

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