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Chapter 27- The Sacrifice

Fangs was dead.

It couldn't be true. I refused to believe it was true.

Fangs being dead only hurt one Serpent the most. Sweet Pea. Fangs was his best friend since they were kids. And now he was gone. It was destroying Sweet Pea inside. But Sweet Pea wasn't going to show it. Sweet Pea was tough to not show his emotions. Never to cry in front of someone. But I could only hug him to comfort him as his head lay on my head and dad carried on talking.

"Fangs is dead?" Jughead repeated.

"And we will mourn him, hell yeah we will" dad kept speaking. I could see the hurt in peoples eyes. Fangs was a beloved Serpent. He was tough and cared about and was a loyal member.

"But first, we will honour him. From what I just heard it sounds like we need to put it to a vote" Dad sighed. "All those against going to war with the Ghoulies?"

No ones hand went up.

"And all those for giving them hell on the battle field tomorrow?" Dad asked.

Serpents hands rose up and only Jughead and mines didn't. I looked at him as he had his back to everyone. He didn't want a fight. He didn't want any of this war business but here we were. We couldn't change that.


"This is a mistake..." Jughead sighed once we were alone and back at the trailer. Dad was sat at the table, a pen in his hand and papers upon papers on the table. "You can see that, right?"

"We'd be going in blind, Dad" Jughead muttered. He pulled the book off the table as dad didn't listen. "We will you listen to me for two seconds!?" Dad only threw the pen across the table in anger.

"For all we know, the Ghoulies outnumber us 100-to-1" Jughead muttered.

"Don't you think I know that!?" Dad yelled as he kicked the chair in front of him and he stood up. I flinched as I stood beside Jughead who raised his arm slightly in front of me.

Dad yelled loudly as he stood in the kitchen, his hands on the counter.

"Kids, I've been doing this a lot longer than you have. And we voted. If we're going down, we're going down fighting" Dad sighed as he walked around us, grabbing his Serpent Jacket. "As far as being outnumbered, I'll rally the reserves, they'll fight"  Dad left, slamming the door behind him and Jughead angrily threw his beanie off and sat down on the chair dad originally was sat on.

"Jug..." I sighed as I sat down opposite him.

"No...no. I can sort this" Jughead whispered. "I can talk them out of it...there has to be a safer option...something better then a fight"

"What if there isn't?" I questioned. "What if this fight is the only resolution?"

"Then it's stupid" Jughead laughed as he stood up.

"Right..." I sighed.

"But I want you to stay here. I'll go back to the Wyrm...try to speak to dad again...and then I'll get you when it's safe" Jughead muttered. He stood up and I did too quickly.

"Wait but-" I tried to speak.

"I don't want you out there...not during a time like this" Jughead whispered as he brought me into his arms. He put his beanie back on and opened the trailer door. "I'll be back soon..." he walked out, closing the door behind him.

I was left alone and in silence. I had to do something. There had to be something I could do. But then from the corner of my eye I caught sight of Jughead's murder board. And the idea came into my mind.

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