01. {ace degenerate}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

with the heavy and foul-smelling bin bags in her hands, gioia barbusca lugged the bag towards one of the compound's large bins. right after she opened the lid of the bin, she threw her own two bags inside. the strong odour of all the trash made her unconsciously scrunch up her nose in disgust.

"hey, i'm miguel." a tanned boy began speaking, gioia turned to face him, thinking he was speaking to her. but he was actually talking to a blond, scruffy-looking, middle-aged man, "my family and i just moved into 109."

"great." he rolled his eyes, "more immigrants."

the miguel boy scrunched his face up in confusion, "actually, we're from riverside. but anyways, i was just wondering if you were having trouble with your water pressure, cause i know our sink's being a little weird right now and-"

as he spoke, the man threw his white bin bag into the same one that gioia had opened. "wrong one," she muttered, making him look up at her with a bored expression. gioia only shrugged, just wanting to politely correct him.

"oh, bottles go in the blue bin." miguel pointed out.

"listen, menudo, random girl..." the man, johnny lawrence, sighed, "i've lived in this shithole for over ten years. the pipe's don't work, the fountain's full of piss and the only good thing about being her is i don't have to talk to anybody. so... nice knowing you two."

he shifted on his feet and began walking away from the two teens. they watched as he opened the door to his beat-up, red firebird car. "okay, well... have a nice day, i guess." miguel frowned as the man drove off. he then turned to the girl standing by him, "... hey."

she laughed, "hi."

"i'm uh- i'm miguel." he put his long arm out for her to shake, "diaz. miguel diaz."

"well, i am gioia barbusca." she introduced herself, her soft italian accent thick as she spoke.

"your name is very pretty. are you from europe?"

"thank you," gioia grinned, "and yes, i grew up in italy."

"that's so cool!" miguel smiled, his braces showing, "you just moved here?"

"about a week ago. have not started school, so i have been cooped up in home." gioia explained as she led the boy to her door, "my mamma suggested i come take out the bins and get some air."

he nodded, "everyone needs some fresh air."

"so here i am." she lifted her arms dramatically, "this is my door: 105."

"well, i'm 109." miguel told her, "so-so if you ever need anything..."

gioia began unlocking the door to her home, "got it, thank you miguel diaz."

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now