64. {miguel and robby's rematch}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───


gioia quickly stood up from her couch, pausing gilmore girls from the television. she rushed over and opened the door to see johnny lawrence restlessly standing outside her apartment. in his hand was an air horn, which explained the loud noise she had heard and ignored earlier on.

"what's going—" she glanced behind johnny to see her two friends on the upper level of their apartment complex, battling it out. "what did you do?"

"shut up and come on!" johnny ordered.

gioia groaned, slipping on her black doc martens over her socks and rushing out with her sensei. "guys come on!" she shouted to them. "you're getting too close to the edge!"

her heart was racing as they ignored her, too fuelled with anger to notice where they stood.

"robby, miguel, knock it off!" johnny ordered.

but the two boys had blocked their voices out, miguel was throwing multiple punches at robby and he seemed to just be accepting them. gioia ran to the stairwell door, which was lying flat on the floor and climbed up, johnny on her tail.

robby had his back shoved against the black balcony and miguel let out a combat shout, and gioia was sure that he would strike robby, she was terrified that something bad would happen. robby wore the same feared expression. but miguel dropped his arms, the two heavily breathing.

"why'd you hold back?" robby asked.

"i didn't get into karate to hurt people." miguel admitted, his eyes darting over at his best friend. "i did it to be a badass and find balance."

"yeah, i understand that." robby panted.

"last time we fought like this, uh, how come you didn't hold back?" miguel questioned.

"i wanted to finish the fight." robby confessed. "i mean, not like that. i just i—i had tunnel vision and i got so angry that i just... i mean, i barely knew where we were. i'd take it back in a second if i could."

gioia sadly smiled, she knew this was all miguel had wanted to hear from the boy's mouth. and she was glad robby was finally able to be honest.

"i was the cause of the worst moment in your life." robby frowned. "if it's any consolation, it was the worst moment in my life too."

"yeah, i'll take it." miguel nodded, giving the boy a small grin, which the brunette returned.

"so?" johnny stepped forward. "is it over? are you guys good?"

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now