10. {miguel vs kyler}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"i say, if we get into any trouble - we accuse demetri." gioia suggested as she stood in the lunch line.

"nice try, gb." the boy laughed, "i'm not even in your science class."

"i told you that you wouldn't be able to finish the project if you two watched movies every meet up." miguel shook his head.

"it is fine, it is not due until next week." gioia told him.

eli nodded and passed her a lunch tray, "we still have time to finish."

"all we have to do is... work." gioia took a deep breath.

"you say that like it's the worst thing in the world." demetri elevated his left eyebrow in amusement at her tone.

"it sort of is." gioia hummed while watching the lunch lady add food onto her tray, "thank you."

"come on." miguel led the other three.

before they had an opportunity to locate somewhere to sit, kyler began making an announcement - stopping them in their tracks.

"hey, guys." he proclaimed, "you know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it? i guess sam takes after her dad."


everyone in the cafeteria laughed, excluding a few. gioia sighed, feeling slight sympathy for the girl and wishing she could help.

miguel however, had decided to do something about it, "hey, kyler!" he threw his lunch tray down and stepped over to the boy, "why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?"

gioia grinned at her best friend's newfound confidence.

"want another beatdown, rhea?" kyler threatened while pushing the boy backwards, "i'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time."

miguel caught the next punch thrown at him and twisted kyler's arm back, "it's not lame-ass karate. it's cobra kai."

he threw his fist into kyler's face, making the lunchroom yell out in shock. kyler touched his dripping nose, before slamming miguel onto the table.

"you aren't going to help him?" demetri asked as kyler had the boy in a chokehold.

"he has got it." she smiled while setting down her lunch tray.

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now