22. {back in black}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

after the morning drive with johnny and miguel, gioia had gone to the dojo to see it filled with the customers from yesterday. she moved over to aisha, bert and hawk who were analysing two new boys.

"hey, girl." aisha greeted her friend.

"hi, aisha." gioia grinned, "is this an interrogation?"

"i'd call it an initiation." aisha corrected her.

"gb, what do you think?" hawk asked with a finger on his chin, "shit-head one and shit-head two?"


"i was thinking more mary-kate and ass-hat." aisha suggested.

gioia couldn't contain her laughter as she smacked her hand over her mouth, "you two are such bullies. but i like it."

"well, i'm chris-" one of the two boys spoke up.

"did i say you can speak?!" hawk challenged in an aggressive manner.

miguel came over to the five and chuckled, "guys, look, they're just messing with you."

"thanks, man."

"besides, everyone knows your names are ass-face and douchebag." the tanned boy finished.


"dibs on ass-face." one of them quickly spoke.

"why would you want to be named ass-face." gioia lifted her eyebrow at him.

he shrugged, "it's better than douchebag."

"no... no it isn't." aisha shook her head.

the door jingled open, and an old man entered. in his hand was a duffle bag and he wore a judgemental look on his face.

"who's that?" hawk asked, motioning to the man in the corner of the room.

"i don't know."

miguel and gioia shared a look before walking over to him.

"hey, uh, can i help you, sir?"

"no." the elder man shook his head as he looked them up and down, "but maybe i can help you."

"i am sorry, sir. could you elabortae?" gioia frowned.

"hey." johnny called out, announcing his presence.

"uh, sensei." miguel ushering to the man while he stepped back.

"who do you think that is?" gioia quizzed as she followed miguel to another side of the room.

"probably sensei's dad." miguel shrugged.

gioia gave him a look, before gazing at the two men, "i kind of see the resemblance."

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now