30. {swerved kisses}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"why does it matter?" gioia asked, growing irritated with his constant persisting.

"because you haven't. moon said she made some chicken nuggets especially for you." hawk told her.

the two had gone inside after the drinking game and hawk had noticed that gioia was acting unusual, but not a 'she's drunk' unusual.

the blonde's face softened, "she did?"

"yeah, you want some?"


"gb, you can't drink this much on an empty stomach." hawk stated, taking the cup from her hands.

she quickly snatched it back, "mind your own business, eli. i've already eaten."

she hadn't. all she had that day was a few slices of buttered toast for breakfast, now it was evening. she had been eating more since her incident, and her getaway to the countryside really helped her. but there was something about the party that brought back her old ways.

"oh yeah?" hawk challenged, "what did you have?"

"oh? erm... i had something light." gioia shrugged.

"go on."

"oh, you know." she started while twitching her right eyebrow twitching, "some toast, a big bowl of rice..."


"eli, why are you interrogating me?" she glared at him.

"because i was waiting to see if you did what you do when you lie." hawk told her as he plated some food, "and you did."

"did what?"

"if i told you, you'd do everything to stop it and then i'd never know when you're lying." hawk shook his head.

"hate you." she slurred.

"hey, gioia." a boy, jackson o''malley, walked over to them. he was in a few of her classes at school and was even in cobra kai. "i just wanted to try talk, maybe?"

hawk gave him a look. "dude? not the time."

his face fell. "right... sorry." he glanced at gioia.

"i don't feel too well." she explained. "maybe later?"

"yeah, okay." he nodded before walking off.

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now