09. {counterbalance}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

over the next few weeks, the two trained long and hard to get in shape for their sensei's 'defence' learning. johnny appeared to be moderately gratified when he saw gioia had stopped doing 'girly' push-ups. although, she had no idea what that meant, he congratulated her.

as johnny and miguel sparred each other, gioia had been striking her beloved mannequin. the two had been grunting and attacking each other but miguel had ended up swiping johnny's feet off the ground.

from the floor, her sensei gave gioia a head motion. she beamed and picked up the baseball launcher remote. the blonde girl clicked it and winced when miguel was hit in the ear by the small, white ball.

"w-what?" he fell to the ground in distress, "what the hell? that-that wasn't fair!"

"you want a fair fight?" johnny scoffed, "dream on. you can't always think your enemies are gonna play by the rules."

"ye-yeah, but my ear." he groaned.

"sorry." gioia apologised while propping him up from the platform.

"what if that baseball was your enemy's friend coming at you from behind?" johnny asked him, "you have to be prepared for everything. let me look."

miguel uncovered his ear, making johnny hesitate and gioia grimace.

"no, it's fine, it's fine." johnny lied to him, "don't... just don't be a baby."

"you should ice that." gioia advised, "we-we should ice that." she rephrased her words.

the bell dinged and a group of women with yoga mats began walking in.

"hello- ah, shit." johnny cursed.

"it's five." the leader, fauna, spoke to them, "twilight is upon us."

"oh, right, right." johnny nodded.

"what's going on?" miguel panted.

"are these your new students?" gioia asked her sensei.

"what? no. uh, i had to sublet the, uh, dojo for a few hours." johnny explained, "just till we get more students."

"we need to change the energy in here." fauna announced.

her and her friends covered the cobra kai moto with their own sign.

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now