59. {scamming surfers}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"where did larusso hide the lug wrench?" johnny groaned, searching the trunk of the car.

the blonde man was about to collide with another vehicle, because he was too distracted looking through the rearview mirror at his son. he swerved out of the way and the car ended up in the woods. as the two went out to talk, gioia and her father stayed on the other side of the vehicle.

"thought about what you're going to say to miguel when you see him?" fred questioned, trying to make conversation with the girl.

gioia's heart dropped at the question. she hadn't even considered it. the dark cloud began to slowly emerge over her head and she was visibly getting stressed out.

"hey, no don't overthink it." fred added, sensing her discomfort. "if i've learnt anything about miguel after all the times he's had dinner with us, it's that he really admires you. even if he's angry, he won't be for long."

"but what if an apology isn't enough?" gioia asked. "i've sent him pages of messages and he's seen them all with no reply."

"that's the beauty of a good apology – it's not about being perfect, it's about showing you care." fred explained. "and you know what? sometimes, that's enough to mend a friendship."

gioia sighed. "i guess i can try that. but what if he just... doesn't forgive me?"

"well now, that's a risk, isn't it?" fred hummed. "but what's the alternative? letting guilt eat you alive, and losing your friend for sure? nope, better to face it head-on. you might be surprised at his reaction."

gioia nodded, feeling a whole less anxious but her head still racing with doubt. "what if he's so mad and won't even talk to me?"

"then you'll have your answer, won't you?" fred questioned. "but you have to remember that people often forgive more than they let on. just like you do with the people around you. so what do you say?"

"i'll try your suggestion, thanks dad." gioia gave him a weak smile. "but since when could you give such good advice?"

"since-" he stopped himself. he couldn't tell her the truth that he had been through hours of books, websites and talkshows on how to be a better father. "since forever!"

"okay." gioia nodded.

"so." fred cleared his throat. "how's that boyfriend of yours?"

"we're still on a break."

"and are you okay with that?" fred questioned.

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now