05. {scar insecurities}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"you can't strike first if you don't know how to strike." johnny told the pair of teens.

they were stood in front of two dummies, listening to their sensei instruct them.

"the cobra strike is composed of two parts: the lunge," johnny moved into a punching stance, "which requires you to use your whole body; and the bite," he punched the dummy in the face, "which is everything that happens after you make contact."

miguel and gioia nodded, absorbing in every statement and every action.

"all right? you don't stop here where the knuckle hits the bone." he dug his fist deeper into its face, "you punch through the bone, like the guy you really wanna hit is standing behind this asshole. all right?"

"yes, sensei."

"hyah!" johnny shouted as he thumped the dummy in its face.

"that was cool." gioia nodded.

"quiet!" he yelled at her, "strike here, you bloody his nose. strike here, you break his teeth. strike here, you could severely damage his trachea."

they frowned.

"obviously, that's only for extreme situations." he explained, "all right, line up."

"okay." the two stood in front of a dummy each.

"i want you to practice." johnny said.

miguel hit the model while gioia punched hers, considerably weakly.

"keep practising, i want you guys to punch through the dummy." johnny instructed, "and use some anger miss sushi, i know you've got some deep down."

"miss sushi?" gioia quizzed as the man's phone rang.

he didn't answer her and went to take the call.

as the two threw knocks at the dummies, gioia came to a realisation of her plans.

"miguel, you know i am your best friend?" gioia started.

"right..." miguel nodded, doubtingly.

she was precise, ever since they first met outside the trash bins during the summer, they had been really close.

"what do you need?" miguel sighed while shaking his head.

she laughed, "can i borrow your bike?"

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now