70. {heart of the snake}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

back upstairs, eli and mickey were growing visibly stressed. they paced back and forth, hearing the commotion coming from downstairs. "dude, it's madness out there." eli sighed. "when can we leave? how much longer?"

"i'm almost done." demetri reassured him, aggressively typing on the computer. "i just need a few more minutes. i need to log in to their youtube channel and upload the clips."

"yo, check upstairs."

"oh, shit." eli hissed. "they're coming. be ready to go mobile." he ordered.

"okay. screw it! we're gonna have to upload and publish via wi-fi." demetri groaned. "this second video is really putting up a fight."

kyler let out a maniacal laugh as he and his friends made their way into the office. "yo, man. it's just yasmin, moon and gioia's bitches."

"bitches." his friend echoed.

mickey scoffed, placing her hands on her hips. "nah, i'm not a bitch."

"uh, yes you are." kyler told her, turning his head to eli. "you heard kenny when he dropped your ass. you just a faux-hawk now, boy."

"you know what? that's life." eli shrugged. "you win some, you lose some, but you gotta move on. you never did. you're still pulling the same old bully act as always. even though everyone you bullied has kicked your ass."

"i haven't." demetri spoke up from behind the desk.

eli looked back at him with a smirk. "you'll get your turn. kyler's too stupid to ever learn his lesson."

"i mean, he never bulllied me." mickey spoke up. "but i would like to kick his ass."

"trust me, mick-- you will." eli said, tauntingly.

kyler wore an irritated look on his face as he hurled a punch at eli. it was quickly blocked and eli fought back, pushing kyler to the side before moving on to his two friends. he effortlessly fought them, managing to beat them one against three. one of them was able to crawl away and stand to his feet, his next target was demetri.

but mickey had noticed his movement and as much as she didn't like demetri and wasn't too good at karate- she knew she had to do something. the girl stepped onto the table and jumped right onto his back. the two went crashing down onto the ground and she pulled him over onto his back and punched him right in the gut.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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