42. {second chances}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

it had been a week since daniel larruso and johnny lawrence had joined forces and their conflicting, complicated relationship had gotten in the way of their teaching. the two held opposing views: defence vs offence, violence vs peace etc. they had so far been teaching two completely different styles of teaching in one environment and it wasn't working too well.

miyagi do and eagle fang were all lined up in the back garden of miyagi do's dojo. larusso and lawrence stood in front of their students, ready to tell them their new revelation.

"ready, bow."

"sensei lawrence and i have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament." daniel started.

"but we have different ways of getting you there." johnny added.

"we realise that teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing."

"so we've discussed it and come up with a solution." johnny explained to them. miguel diaz and gioia barbusca, johnny lawrence's first students, shared a smile. they began to believe their sensei and daniel had put aside their differences. "we're gonna divide and conquer. eagle fang trains out front."

"and i'll be back here with the miyagi-dos." daniel announced.

"i thought we were stronger working together." miguel reminded them.

"we're still working together."

"just separately. on opposite ends of the dojo."

"oh, what a solution." gioia rolled her eyes. what was the point of the team up if the two senseis couldn't even work together to teach?

"shut up, seafood." johnny scoffed. "all right, eagles, follow me."

"that nickname is getting old." gioia said. "could you come up with something else?"

"it's too late. you should've said something earlier."

"i did!"

"miyagi-dos, come on over here." daniel ushered his students away.

the teams followed their respective senseis, wishing their friends on the opposing team goodbye.

"later, man."

"see you later."

johnny led them to the front of the dojo, to the car park. "hawk, since you're new to eagle fang, come on up."

eli moskowitz smiled, finally glad to be accepted again. "yes, sensei." he bowed as he walked over to the blond-haired man. in an instant, johnny crouched down and swiped hawk's legs from under him. the boy groaned as he landed on his back harshly, "what the heck?"

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now