34. {now you're gonna pay}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"gb!" eli moskowitz, personally nicknamed hawk, strolled over to her. gioia had been head over heels for that boy for nearly a year. and just when everything was about to go right, they went wrong.

gioia had vacated miguel's hospital room when samantha larusso arrived. sam notified her that she merely wanted to give miguel a card and she'd leave. the pale blonde saw no harm in that and left them to grab an apple and some water. she quickly caught hawk's attention when he entered the hospital.

"you've finally emerged from your house." hawk joked as he rummaged through his pocket for something.

gioia gave him an expressionless gaze.

"tough crowd?" he continued.


"cat got your tongue?" he questioned.

that made her chuckle. but it wasn't her normal, loud yet soothing laugh. it was more of a wheezy, croaky one. despite this, hawk didn't seem to mind. he gave her a small smile and handed her a mixed berry granola bar.

gioia gave him a revolted look.

"calm down, i put it there this morning, here." he handed it to her.

"thanks." she whispered.

"so she speaks!" hawk announced as she led him to miguel's room.

she shook her head with a grin, taking a bite out of her red apple.

"when are you back in school?" he questioned.

gioia frowned, he hadn't noticed? "yesterday."

"yesterday? i didn't see you." hawk shook his head.

"t-thanks." gioia scoffed.

"were you hiding from me or something?" hawk joked.

gioia rolled her eyes and turned away from him. quickly, hawk grabbed her wrist, stopping her from going any further. the girl shifted back to face him and the two were gazing at one another.

"look." his voice was now softer. "i'm not trying to be a douche, okay? i had no idea you were back yesterday because you don't text anymore."

he had a point there, gioia had ghosted nearly everyone. the only person she didn't was tory nichols, who had ghosted her first. in gioia's defence, hawk was becoming a grade-a asshole. she watched the aggressive videos he would send her and post of cobra kai karate, knowing she had rightfully quit karate.

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now