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"alright students, that wraps up our day." a woman says as she claps her hands.
Marinette opens her eyes to her classmates leaving and Ms.Bustier walking them out.
Marinette looks up. She smiles. Adrien. Her heart fills up with joy. She looks at his face. 'He's sleeping...' she thinks 'His skin is so clear..his hair is perfectly tidied...' Marinette sniffs 'bleugh.' She scrunches her nose. 'He smells like his cologne and...camembert?' She thinks.

"EWW!" Someone yells.
Adrien snaps out of his sleep and Marinette jumps back to a sitting position. They both look to the right. Lila is attempting to get off of her seat, but there's bright pink gum stuck to her behind. Marinette can see Alix laughing in the corner of her eye.

"Lila!" Adrien says, "What happened?"
"That stupid Chlo-" Lila looks at Ms. Bustier, "I have no idea!" She says in a sweet tone. "I mean, considering Chloé was sitting here, Ms. Bustier, wouldn't that mean that she did it?" Lila stands up and the gum from the seat stays on her behind. Alix laughs even harder.

"Now now, Lila." Ms. Bustier replied, "We don't jump to conclusions here. Go to the principal's office and explain what happened."
Lila sighed and headed to the principal's office.

"I'm betting 2 dollars that Lila is going to develop an allergy to gum on her way to Mr. Damocles office." Alix says to Marinette. She giggles and looks at Adrien. He looks sad.
Why's he sad? Marinette asks herself.

The three of them make their way out to the front of the school.
Marinette looks over at Adrien. His head is down and he looks sad.

Marinette whips her head around and looks for Alya. She sees her standing with Nino and makes eye contact with her.
"Why's he sad?" Alya mouths. Nino turned around to look at them. Marinette shrugs her shoulders.
"Comfort him." Nino mouths. Marinette gives a thumbs up and waves at them. They wave back.
She turns to Adrien.
"Adrien," She says soothingly. "What's wrong?"
Adrien looks up at her with the saddest face she's ever seen. That gives Marinette an answer. Not the answer she was looking for, but an answer.
"How about I come over and we can, um, hang out?" She scratches the back of her head.
"I'd really like that." Adrien's voice cracks.
Adrien's bodyguard pulls up to the front of the school.

Marinette walks up to the passenger window and knocks. The bodyguard rolls down his window.
"H-hi." Marinette says nervously. "A-Adrien isn't feeling too well right now. He's not sad. I mean he's not sick. He's sad but not sick."
The bodyguard raises his eyebrows.
Marinette sighs. "Adrien is feeling down and I don't know why. I think he just wants some company. Could you tell his father we're working on a project?"
The bodyguard hesitates. Then he nods.
"Thank you, thank you!" Marinette whisper-screams. She turns around and walks up to Adrien.
"Come on." She takes his hand. He smiles a genuine but sad smile. Marinette leads them into the car. They get in and Adrien is silent. Marinette is still holding his hand.

The car ride was dead silent. Adrien's head was still down.
The entrance of his home was easy. Gabriel Agreste was designing a new piece in his office. Nathalie questions Marinette's entrance and the bodyguard explained it to her after they enter Adrien's room.

Adrien shuts the door behind Marinette. He looks at her. He opens his mouth to speak and she wraps his arms around him.
"You don't have to explain anything to me, Adrien." She consoles him.
He hugs her back. "I do." He pulls away. "I have to talk about it."

Adrien takes Marinette's bag and puts it on his bed. He takes her hand and leads her to his couch. They both sit, knees touching. He doesn't let go of her hand. He doesn't want to.

"You've been great to me, Marinette. Would it be okay if I talk to you about my mother?" He asked.
Without hesitation, Marinette says "Of course."
"That gum was my mother's favourite gum." Tears fill his eyes. His head is still down. "It's so hard, Marinette. It's been a whole year since she's been gone and I miss her so much."
"I'm so sorry, Adrien." Marinette says.
"Honestly, I shouldn't be sad," He lifts his head to make eye contact with her. "I've got you."
Marinette's heart skips a beat.
"U-uh..." Marinette stutters, "You thank! I mean thank you! You're not awesome. I mean, I'm not awesome. You're awesome! Well, awesome in a friend way. Not that you're not awesome. You're awesome but you're not. Wait no-"
"Marinette," Adrien says, "You can be yourself around me, you know. You're awesome. But there's also something else I'd like to talk about."
She smiles and nods her head.

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