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"We're here!" Adrien announced, and the car stopped moving.

Marinette, still blindfolded, attempted to get out of the car.

"No, no. I'll get you, don't worry babe." Adrien jumped out of the car and went to Marinette's side and helped her out.

"I'll lead you there, okay?" 

Marinette nodded excitedly. Adrien stood behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders, and guided her.

Marinette heard doors open and close, and finally, Adrien took off her blindfold.


Marinette's jaw dropped. All of her friends, schoolmates, and classmates were in a big room decorated with pink decorations with white polka dots. There were balloons, signs, games, and everything! Her favorite song was blasting through sky-high speakers, and obviously, Nino was DJ-ing.

"No way!" She exclaimed. "Did you do this?" She turned to Adrien and he nodded with a grin.

"I love it!" She squealed and wrapped her arms around him. She gave him a kiss, and flashes were going off.

Adrien really went all out. It was a ginormous room with photographers, a gift table, a cake-cutting area, a photo area, multiple games, and a food area.

"Happy birthday, girl!" Alya ran up to her and gave her best friend a big hug.

Her friends swarmed her and gave her hugs and wished her a happy birthday.

Eventually, Chloe approached her.

"Happy birthday Marinette." Chloe smiled. She handed Marinette a rectangular box.

"Aww, Chloe! You didn't have to!" Marinette gushed. 

"Wait, weren't we planning my birthday party the other day? What happened to that?" Marinette furrowed her brows.

"Oh, yeah, Adrien needed to plan your party, and I offered to distract you. I wanted to hang out with you anyway." Chloe waved her hand. "But anyway, open your present!"

Marinette giggled. She opened the box and a beautiful, diamond watch laid on cushioned velvet.

"Oh wow.." Marinette breathed. She looked up at Chloe and gave her a tight bear hug.

Chloe froze. She'd never felt such a hug. She relaxed into the hug and hugged Marinette back.

"Thank you Chloe." Marinette said gratefully.

"No, thank you, Marinette." Chloe pulled away from Marinette and looked at her. "You've helped me grow and learn as a person. I couldn't have asked for a better friend than you."

"Hey, hey. That's my girlfriend you're talking to." Adrien teased. "You better not kiss her."

"What a shame, I was just thinking about it." Chloe smirked.

Adrien playfully narrowed his eyes at the girls. "Yeah yeah, whatever."

The three of them laughed. Marinette floated around and partied. She danced, sang karaoke, opened gifts, took photos, and played games. She was smiling the entire time, and she felt so alive.

Soon enough, the party died down and everyone went home. The couple didn't have to worry about cleaning as Adrien hired cleaners.

They took a stroll down to the park beside Marinette's house. They sat on a bench and gazed into each other's eyes.

"Thank you so much for planning my party. I enjoyed it so much. I love you." Marinette thanked.

"I love you, Marinette. I told you, I'd do anything for you." Adrien kissed his girlfriend.

Eventually, the couple went home and fell asleep.


In the morning, Marinette woke up and didn't find Adrien there again.

This time, she didn't panic and strolled downstairs.

She should've panicked though, because when she walked downstairs, she found her boyfriend kissing Ladybug.

And it wasn't one-sided either. His arms were wrapped around his waist and he was kissing her passionately. 

"What the hell?" She yelled. "How is this possible?" The two of them jumped apart and Adrien walked towards Marinette.

"Marinette it's not what it-"

Marinette felt conflicted. He was kissing her. No, Ladybug. He was kissing Ladybug. She remembered how he confessed to being in love with Ladybug. 

But how was this possible? She didn't transform. 

Marinette couldn't jeopardize her identity, so she did what any girlfriend would do.

"Get out!" She hollered. 


"No! I said get out!" She yelled even louder. She had to figure out how this Ladybug was real, and how she looked exactly like her.

"Please, Marinette. It was a mistake. She just approached me and confessed to me and I knew it was wrong but my feelings took over me. I was in love with her." Adrien explained. 

Even though Adrien was talking about her alter-ego, Marinette still felt a dagger in her heart. If she wasn't Ladybug, then the same thing would've happened.

"You said you were in love with me, too! It wasn't a mistake, you clearly still have feelings for her. We're done, Adrien. You can get your things and leave." She shouted.


"Now, Adrien! Leave!" Marinette demanded.

Adrien lowered his head and walked out. Marinette looked around. 

The other Ladybug was nowhere in sight.

A strong feeling in Marinette's gut was telling her to check for her earrings, so she did.

Marinette lifted her hands to her lobes.

They were bare.

Marinette ran to her bathroom and looked in the mirror. Her lobes were bare.

Her earrings were gone.

Tikki was gone.

Adrien was gone.

Marinette sunk to the bathroom floor and bursted into tears.

She cried and she cried and she cried.

How could she be so irresponsible? 

Where was Tikki? Was she okay? Was she hurt? 

Why would Adrien cheat on her? Why would he start a serious relationship with her if he knew he still loved Ladybug? Why would he allow her to keep their baby if he knew he was in love with another girl?

Marinette cried even harder and ran up to her room.

She buried her face into her pillow and cried.

Then she heard the familiar tapping on her window.

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