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Adrien lets out a sigh of relief. "Okay, now-"

"WAIT!" Marinette shouts. Adrien is taken aback by her sudden outburst.

"W-what's wrong?" He asks frantically and rushes to her.

"I have to pee." She hisses. "So badly. But I can't move!"

"Why can't you move?" Adrien furrows his brows. 

"Or else I will pee." Marinette says the last word like it's some kind of disease.

Adrien laughs. "Would you like me to bring a bucket?" He teases her.

"Yes." She replies seriously.

Adrien blinks. "For real?"

Marinette looks at him and looks to the ground. "Aha!" 

Marinette slowly lies belly-down on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Adrien asks.

"Drag me." She looks up at him. "I can't stand, so I should lie down."

"Would that be good for the baby?" Adrien doubted Marinette's technique.

"I'm not even a week pregnant." Marinette stated. "The baby is barely a glob."

Adrien sighs and take's Marinette's hands and drags her to her door.

'If someone told me a year ago that I'd be here, dragging my pregnant girlfriend on the floor like some kind of mop because she has to pee, I'd question my existence' Adrien thought to himself.

"Oh shoot, we're at the stairs." Marinette mumbled. "What do we do now?"

"Just tuck and roll." Adrien said.

"Good idea." Marinette started to form her body into a ball.

"DON'T ACTUALLY DO THAT!" Adrien said with disbelief. This girl was definitely something else. 

"It was your idea!" Marinette yelled to him playfully. 

"I was kidding, dummy!" He laughed down at her.

"Here, come on." Adrien picked Marinette up bridal style. He carried her down the stairs and into the washroom.

He placed her in the bathroom. He was about to close the door to give her some privacy, but she called after him.

"What's wrong?" He stepped in the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

"Um..I can't bend down." Marinette was frozen in her standing position.

"Do you really have to pee that badly?" Adrien asked with amazement. Marinette nodded and he chuckled. "Don't ever hold your pee again, okay?" Marinette nodded again.

Adrien went in front of her and pulled her pants and underwear down. Usually, something like this would turn him on, but he was helping his girlfriend and he knew where to draw the line.

However, his body didn't know where to draw the line. Adrien quickly looked down at his bulge and backed away from Marinette.

She didn't notice because she finally got to sit on the toilet. She sighed with relief as she started to pee. Adrien internally laughed.

"Marinette?" Someone knocked. "Are you in there?" It was Sabine. 

"Y-yeah mom!" Marinette replied. "Just using the bathroom!"

"Okay dear, I just heard some noises and wanted to check on you. I'm going back to bed. Goodnight." 

"Goodnight mom." Marinette said. They heard the apartment door close. They sighed with relief.

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