Whatever The Future May Bring

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The new couple spent the next two hours cuddled on the bed as Robin teasingly recounted his side of events, bursting out laughing every time Lance moaned in embarrassment.

"You remember those last few songs we danced to before the night went to hell?" Keith questioned.

"Uh, yeah I think so. Why?"

"They were actually from of playlist of music I made that reminds me of you." he confessed, hiding his face into the brunet's shoulder.

"Really?" Lance couldn't keep the smile off his face, "That's so adorable! You're secretly a hopeless romantic at heart aren't you? I really want to hear the rest of them now."

"Shut up!" Robin moaned, voice muffled until he lifted his head, "I may have teased Pidge about a crush she now has on Hunk. So, she hacked into the music system to embarrass me."

The speedster's smile grew into a grin, "So she's the 'little gremlin', huh?"

"Yep," he smirked, "And now you and the rest of the team get to deal with her too."

"She's Batgirl? Wait...that...actually makes a lot of since. So, exactly how much trouble are we now in?" Keith laughed into Lance's shoulder, "Okay, you laughing at the question is actually kind of concerning." Right as Keith was about to answer, they were startled by a knock on the door.

"Robin?" Allura's voice called out, "Are you and Lance in there?"

The boy wonder quickly scrambled off the bed and replaced his mask before answering, "Yeah, we're here, Allura. Just a second."

"Oh, good! I just wanted to tell you that Hunk is baking some welcome cookies for Batgirl. We've all changed out of uniform, even Batgirl. So once you change, please, come join us."

"Uh, sure thing, Allura." Lance spoke up.

"Excellent! See you soon!"

The boys looked to each other as they were reminded of the world outside Robin's bedroom, and the friends who had no idea of their changed relationship.

Kid Flash cleared his throat as he stood from the bed, " So, are we gonna tell the others? About us?"

"I-I don't know..." Robin crossed his arms, glaring at the floor, "I don't want to hide this, us, but I honestly didn't think this far ahead. After seeing you and Keith together last night, telling them that we're together now could make it really obvious that I'm Keith. I was so busy worrying over talking to you about last night, that I didn't think about whether I'm ready to tell the team who I am of not. I'm not sure how to handle this."

The speedster watched the older teen bite his lip, before he placed a hand on his cheek, "It's okay, Rob. We don't have to tell them today. Not if you're not ready for them to know." he smiled softly as Keith looked back up to him, "I know that taking off that mask is a big deal for you, so whatever you decide to do, or not do; I'll be behind you." Lance kissed his forehead, "I should go change, I'll meet back up with you in the kitchen." he gave him another quick, chaste, kiss before speeding out of the room.

Keith stared at the door for a moment before letting out a groan, "What do I want to do?! I'm so not feeling the aster." he mumbles to himself as he gathers his civilian clothes, "Stay whelmed, Keith. Just take a moment to collect your thoughts and think it through." His eyes landed on the sunglasses sitting on top of his dresser, and a determined smile crossed his face.

Keith quickly changed into his typical black tee and pants, with his red and white cropped jacket, red and white boots, black fingerless gloves, and his utility belt buckled around his waist. One of the first rules Shiro had taught him, was to never go any where without it. After digging out an old hair tie from his nightstand, he raced out of his room, leaving both mask and sunglasses behind.

Unmasked - Klance, Young Justice AUWhere stories live. Discover now