Family Doesn't Always Share Blood

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It took about half an hour for Keith's tears to run out, but he remained cradled in Kid Flash's arms for what felt like hours after. The speedster couldn't help the feeling of deja vu that had flooded over him, and it took him a bit of time to place it.

'Oh yeah, Rob and I ended up in a similar position when he had that meltdown.' he remembered. Robin had somehow been captured by the villain the team had been tracking. Lance couldn't remember who it had been, but the team managed to rescue the boy wonder and they'd won the day. After the team debriefed with Batman, Robin had shut himself away in his room. Worried, Kid Flash had checked in on him a few minutes later. He'd found the older boy curled in on himself, shaking arms wrapped around his knees where he'd buried his face, rocking back and forth on the floor.

'That was the day I realized he wasn't as perfect, and unbreakable as I'd thought. The day I stopped seeing and treating him as a rival; the day we truly became friends.' A small smile grew across his lips. They may have had a rough start, but their friendship became one of Lance's most treasured relationships. 'And I'll never risk ruining that by acting on my...' The smile slipped from his face as he pushed away the thought with a familiar tightening in his chest.

Kid Flash forced himself back into the present, finally taking notice of Keith starting to fall asleep on his shoulder, "Hey, if you're ready, we need to get you to a hospital so you can get that head checked out."

Reluctantly, Keith pulled himself out of the other's arms, and softly brushed his fingers over the wound causing him to wince. He let out a sigh of relief at the lack of blood, "It's not bleeding, so they didn't break the skin," he replied hoarsely, "It's just a concussion; some ice, pain meds, and sleep is all I probably need. Could you just take me home instead? Shiro and Coran must be worried out of their minds." he gave the hero a pleading look.

'How in the hell am I supposed to say no to that?! How does anyone say no to this guy?' Lance wondered to himself, face burning.

"I- I'll make you a deal, Mr. Kogane," Kid Flash smirked as he gently pulled the other teen to his feet and after making sure he was steady, ran about three yards away, "If you can walk to me without falling or pausing, I'll take you home. If not I'm taking you to the closest hospital. Deal?"

Keith rolled his eyes but couldn't keep himself from smiling in amusement, "Really, KF? I have a minor head injury, I'm not drunk."

The speedster's eyes widened in surprise before narrowing, 'No one but Robin has ever called me that before, huh.', "I know, but, if you can walk this distance with little to no trouble, then I'll know you'll be okay without a hospital."

The boy wonder rolled his eyes again as he crossed his arms. Without a word, he slowly walked to the taller teen, biting his lip trying and failing to hide his amusement. 'To think I was just crying my eyes out a minute ago. This idiot always makes me feel better.' He stopped barely a foot in front of Lance and looked him in the eye with a small smirk.

"I'll admit," Keith spoke softly, "I am a bit dizzy, but not enough to need the hospital. Like I said, it's just a concussion, and everything needed to treat it is at home. Besides, Coran has medical training. He's treated me and Shiro for injuries like this before."

Lance sighed in defeat, "Alright," he carefully picked the smaller teen up once again, "Just promise me you'll get some rest and take it easy."

He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the speedster's neck, resting his head on his shoulder, "Promise."

Less than a minute later, the pair were back at Shirogane Manor. Kid Flash carried the older boy to the study and sat him on the couch. A startled Coran rushed over at a pace that even impressed the speedster.

"Master Keith!" the butler wasted no time in checking the young man over, questions shooting out rapid fire, "I'm so relieved to see you! How are you feeling? Did they harm you in any way? Should I call an ambulance?"

The boy wonder's laugh was cut short as his head throbbed in response, "I'm alright, Coran. And please, I don't need an ambulance. Like I told Kid Flash, it's just a concussion from getting knocked out, but my head isn't bleeding, and I'm almost over the shock already," he explained before asking nervously, "Where's Shiro?"

Coran shot a glance at Kid Flash leaning against a nearby chair before answering, "I sent Master Shiro to change from his formal wear," he paused, "Kid Flash? Would you mind fetching an ice pack and first aid kit for Master Keith? I would retrieve them myself, but you could bring them much quicker."

"I'm more than happy to help, sir," he grinned, "Helping people is what I do."

The older man chuckled, "Well, then. There should be an ice pack in the freezer down in the kitchen and I believe the first aid kit is under the sink. Oh! If you could bring some water from the fridge as well, it would be much appreciated."

"No problem. I'll be back in a flash!" he winked as he pointed finger guns at them before speeding out of the room.

"Does.... he do that often?" the butler questioned turning to Keith with a stupefied expression.

"Pretty much, yeah," he continued to stare at the door a moment before tearing his attention back to Coran, who had pulled out his phone, "Shiro's in the cave." It wasn't really a question, if anyone spent more time in the Batcave than him it was Shiro.

Coran nodded anyway, "He sent Batgirl to help your team, then Batman sent Commissioner Iverson your location once they found you," he pressed in a few numbers and pressed the phone to his ear, "Master Shiro, Master Keith has returned safely," "No, no serious injuries. The worst seems to be a concussion. Kid Flash brought him to the study. I told him you were changing, then asked him to fetch a few things from the kitchen for Master Keith." "Yes, of course, sir." he hung up.

"He's pissed isn't he?" Keith whispered, as he kicked off the uncomfortable dress shoes and pulling his knees to his chest. He hated feeling so emotional, but his nerves which were normally like steel felt more like broken glass. If he could hold himself together until Lance came back, he'd be fine. He squeezed his eyes shut, 'It's ridiculous how well that idiot puts my mind at ease.'

The butler placed a comforting hand on the young hero's back, "He's more worried than angry, Keith. You may not share blood, but you are his family, his brother. Seeing you hurt or worse is one of his biggest fears. He loves you, Keith. We both do." he smiled gently, reassuring the boy who had become like a son to him.

Keith smiled softly even as he fought back tears and rested his chin on top of his knees, "I love you guys too," he paused and his smile faded before he took a deep breath, "I..... I love... Lance too......" It was the first time he'd admitted out loud and the first time he'd talked to anyone about it other than Pidge. His heart skipped a beat at his own words and he realized how true they were; He loved that idiot.

An audible smile, with a hint of amusement, could be heard Coran's voice, "I had a feeling that was the case. You did spend the entirety of the night by his side," he paused, "You even danced..." disbelief colored his voice as his face grew a mystified expression.

Despite knowing it would hurt his head, Keith couldn't contain the laughter that erupted from his lips.


Sorry this took so long to post.

My inspiration and motivation took a hit recently.

I also want to thank everyone for your comments.

Everyone who asked me to keep writing and posting this.

You helped restore my motivation!



Please continue to let me know what you think!

~Thank You For Reading!~

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