Bring Our Robin Home

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The team had quickly changed into their hero suits before joining Shiro, Curran, Pidge, Commissioner Iverson, and Shiro's boyfriend, Curtis, in the study. Shiro sat behind his desk, his forehead rested on folded hands. Curtis kept a reassuring hand on his right shoulder while Curran stood close by to the young billionaire's left. Pidge sat in one of the chairs in front of the fireplace with Hunk seated across from her in the other. The rest of the team were scattered around the room, standing, all of them too anxious to sit.

Iverson leaned on Mr. Martian's chair holding a small notebook and pen as he began taking Pidge's statement, "Now, could you tell us exactly what you saw, Ms. Holt?"

The young teen took a deep breath as she looked down to her lap and forced tears into the corner of her eyes, "I was here in the study and I saw these two guys take, Keith." she answered vaguely, needing to appear as a distraught witness. 'Batgirl is a detective, but Katie 'Pidge' Holt is only a fifthteen year old girl.' she quickly reminded herself, she wasn't supposed to know what information was important.

"And why were you in the study?"

"Keith and I come here during these parties sometimes to get away from the crowd."

"Alright, how bout you start at the beginning, Ms. Holt," the commissioner suggested, "Tell us everything you can remember after deciding to come here, okay? Even the smallest details could help us."

Pidge balled her hands into fists as she nodded, "Okay. I- I was on my way here, looking for Keith when I heard gunshots, so I ran the rest of the way and hid under Shiro's desk. A minute or two later, I heard the door open, then there was a-a loud thud sound, like something big hitting the floor," she closed her eyes, "I- I heard a creepy voice say, 'Long time no see, circus brat.' I- I knew he had to mean Keith, so I peaked over the desk."

"Did you get a good enough look to describe the man?"

"Y-yeah, but there were two of them. They were standing over Keith, who looked like he was unconscious. One of them was tall and kinda scrawny looking, and had dark purple hair. The other guy wasn't much shorter, but he looked built like a football player; his hair was a lighter purple. The scrawny one reminded me of a rat, but the other... was scary. His left arm was a prosthetic, and he had a prosthetic right eye too, they looked really high tech. He had a really creepy smile when he looked at Keith." she didn't need to fake the visible shiver that ran through her as she hugged herself.

"What happened next, Katie?" Hunk's gentle tone, caused her to glance up to see his encouraging nod.

She kept her eyes on the Martian as she continued, "The scary guy slung Keith over his shoulder and they left the room," she paused, "I was worried so I snuck to the door before they closed it and I heard the scrawny guy call the other 'Sendak'. Keith told me about Sendak and the Fires of Purification and what they did to him and his dad, so I decided to follow them. I was terrified but I wanted to help. He's my best friend..."

"That was very brave of you, Katie," Iverson commented softly as a few nods of agreement came from around the room, "Can you tell us what happened next? Did you see where they took, Mr. Kogane?"

She nodded, "I followed them down to the kitchen and saw them walk out the back door. I- I was scared that they'd see me if I went outside so I watched from the window. They got into some kind of moving van and I think they went towards the city. They turned right from the driveway," Pidge turned to the commissioner, "I heard somewhere that getting the license plate number was important, so I made sure to remember it . It was '736-DAK'.

"Very good, thank you. You're one brave young lady, Ms. Holt," Iverson flipped his notebook shut and gave her an impressed smile, "Mr. Kogane's lucky to have a great friend like you. Curtis, let's go. We've got a plate to run."

"Um.... Actually, sir, could..."

Shiro interrupted, laying a hand over his boyfriend's, "It's ok, Curtis. It'd make me feel better knowing you're working to bring Keith back home."

Curtis eyed the young billionaire a few seconds before looking over to Curran, who gave him a reassuring nod. He sighed, "Okay," he kissed Shiro's forehead, "I'll do everything in my power to bring him back to you, love." Picking up his hat off the desk, he placed it onto his head before following the commissioner out.

Mr. Martian was the first to break the silence that followed, "Commissioner Iverson was right, Pidge. That was incredibly brave of you." he complimented her with a smile.

The young girl swarmed in her seat as she tried, but failed to conceal her blush, "I couldn't just hide while my friend was in trouble." She mumbled in embarrassment.

"It was heroic of you, Ms. Holt," Aqualad praised her, "You've quite possibly, just saved his life," a chorus of agreements came from the team, "Now, we should go assist the G.C.P.D. as best as we can, though at least one of us should stay with Mr. Shirogane, just in case."

"No, no," Shiro objected, "Please, like I told Curtis, I'd feel much better with all of you looking for my brother. He, Curran, and Curtis are all the family I have left. I'll be fine here, please."

After a moment of thought, Aqualad nodded and looked to Artemis who gave a nod of her own, "Here," she pulled out a small device from her quiver, "Press the button if you should require assistance," she handed it to the young billionaire, "We'll return as soon as possible."

Shiro bowed his head, "Thank you. Knowing you're there for him is such a relief. It means more than I can say." 'And I don't just mean tonight' he thought to himself.

As the team started filing out of the room, Mr. Martian paused and turned back to Pidge, "Do you need help getting back home? J- just to be safe, of course."

The teen girl smiled but shook her head, "Thank you, Mr. Martian, but as long as it's alright with Shiro, I'd rather stay here a bit longer."

"Of course you can, Pidge. You're always welcome to stay here for as long as you want," the young billionaire gave her a nod before calling out to the unusually quiet Lance, "Kid Flash. I just wanted to thank you. I know Keith hates these parties, but he seemed to actually be enjoying himself tonight. So in case I don't get a chance later, I want to thank you for keeping him company. He doesn't usually connect to someone new so quickly."

The speedster blinked in surprise before giving a small smile, "You don't need to thank me for that, Mr. Shirogane. I liked keeping him company," he paused, and in a more serious tone that wiped the smile off his face, he added, "We'll find him and we'll bring him home safe and sound." with that said, he walked out of the room with a surprised Mr. Martian tagging behind him.

A few moments passed before Pidge spoke up, "Now, what I didn't tell the police, was that I did follow those assholes outside, and I managed to stick a tracker on the bottom of their van." she smirked proudly as she stood up and crossed her arms.

"Good," Shiro's voice deepened. He pressed a hidden button under the desk and the photo next to the fireplace slid up to reveal a retinal scanner, "Batman is supposed to be out of the country, so now is as good of a time as any to introduce the team to Batgirl."

The young teen's eyes widened as a grin split her face, "Really?!"

The young billionaire couldn't help but smile at her excitement. He nodded towards the scanner, "Really. Now, go bring our Robin home safe, Batgirl."

Batgirl could barely stand still as she stood unblinking as her hazel eyes were scanned, and the wall next to the fireplace slid open, revealing the hidden staircase to the Batcave. Filled with excitement and determination, she descended down to change.


The team's about to meet Batgirl!

~Thank You For Reading!~

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