Unmasked At Last

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Lance sat against the wall in the briefing room while he and the others waited for Batman and Robin to arrive. He'd been asked several times by the others if he was feeling alright or if something was wrong, but he hadn't known how to explain himself even if he'd wanted to. For once, the speedster's mind was racing faster than his feet; so he'd simply said that he was just tired. It wasn't a lie, just not the full truth. He barely slept a wink last night, the idea that the two boys he'd always wanted but never thought he could have being one and the same person was still driving him crazy.

Kid Flash had been combing through last night's events and Keith's words all morning. The more he thought about the two Gothamites, the more sense it made for them being the same person. 'Ok, Lance let's go over the evidence.... again,' he thought to himself, 'The biggest sign was the fact that he knew my real name. He used a nickname that only Robin has called me before. He acted embarrassed when I praised Robin. He didn't ask how I was talking to the rest of the team, he didn't even seem surprised. And he was so calm during all the chaos. And his hair did look a lot like Robin's when it was down. If Robin is Keith, then his panic attack at being blinded would make a lot of sense.... I did compare him to Robin last night, didn't I?'

"Would you date Robin?"

Keith's words echoed in his mind, out of everything he said, that question had all but stabbed him in the heart. Lance would have to be blind not to see his friend in that light. Robin was a badass, as well as funny, smart, hot, sarcastic, quick witted, hot, brave, confident, strong, and did he mention hot. Sure, he was also a smartass, impulsive, hot-tempered, and more than just a little socially awkward; sometimes to the point of being unintentionally rude or even mean, but once you see past all that, he's an amazing person and friend.

The Cuban had always wondered who the 'mullet wonder' was without the mask, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't have a small crush on the guy. 'Would he date Robin?' He knew that he would, but he could never tell if he was gay or not, and he'd never had the guts to ask. Besides, he wasn't keen on dating someone without knowing their name, or even what they really looked like. It was the reason he'd always kept his real feelings locked away. 'Is Keith really Robin?'

Lance's heart jumped into his throat as he heard the teleporter announce Batman, Robin, and, unexpectedly, Batgirl's arrival. He forced himself to stand and join the others in greeting the bats as he tried to push the plaguing thoughts to the back of his mind.

"Team," Batman wasted no time to address them, "I'm sure you all remember Batgirl," everyone nodded, "Good. She'll be joining the team starting today." A chorus of welcomes followed his words.

"Thanks!" Bargirl crossed her arms smiling, "Glad to be here. Finally." muttering the last word, she side-eyed her mentor.

The detective gave a nod and moved on, ignoring her attitude, "As for last night's mission, you all did well despite a few hiccups," he paused throwing a quick glance to Robin, "and an uncooperating charge." Lance noticed the boy wonder flinch at his mentors words.

"Now," the dark knight continued, " You have no other missions today, so I suggest you all spend your time bonding as a team," Robin sent him a glare, "That's all, dismissed."

The boy wonder continued to glare after his brother until he vanished through the teleporter. A playful nudge from Batgirl returned his attention to his team as they once again welcomed their new member.

"How bout Superboy and I show you around the cave?" Hunk offered, rubbing the back of his neck, "I mean, we are the ones who actually live here."

"Sounds good to me." she sent the Martian a crooked smile causing him to blush as he gave a sheepish smile in return.

"Perhaps we should all give her a tour," Aqualad spoke up, "It would be a good opportunity for team bonding."

Unmasked - Klance, Young Justice AUWhere stories live. Discover now