Brotherly Advice

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For the first time since becoming Robin, Keith dreaded putting on the suit. He stalled as long as he could, moving like a snail and all but begging Shiro to let Pidge come with them so that they would have to wait for her. While they waited, his thoughts drifted back to the conversation he'd had with his brother late last night.


He'd woken up about two hours after passing out and wanting nothing more than go back to sleep in his own bed, he started towards his room. After reaching the right floor, Keith felt his stomach churn sending him running to his bathroom and to throw up. Coran found him sitting next to the toilet with his head buried in his hands. To Keith's relief, the butler just gave him a sympathetic look before quietly suggesting he take a bath and promising to bring the poor boy a change of clothes.

Taking the older man's advice, Keith carefully removed his bandages and clothes. Instead of starting the bath he turned on the showerhead and sat under the steaming water with his arms wrapped around his knees. He was running the night's events through his head, when the memory of Sendak's breath on his face sent him back to the toilet. Returning to the shower, he scrubbed his body raw as the water washed away his angry tears.

After a few more minutes, he turned the shower off wrapped a towel around his waist, and began washing out his mouth. Keith was staring into the mirror when Coran returned clothes in hand and a very concerned Shiro in tow. Without a word, the butler handed him the clothes along with his hairbrush. He gave the teen one last reassuring smile and nod before dragging a protesting Shiro out of the room. Their antics and hushed, but still audible, mini argument from the other side of the door drew a smile to his face. Shiro puts up a 'tougher-than-nails' attitude as Batman, but acts more like an overprotective mother hen to Keith.

Laying the clothes on the counter, he lightly ran a hand over the back of his head, wincing at the dull throb. His mind was clearing and the pain was already lessening. Keith had always healed quicker than most, just not quick enough to be considered abnormal.

Letting out a sigh he carefully brushed his hair and gently pulled it back into a loose ponytail with a hair tie he kept around the brush's handle. Quickly, but carefully, he changed into a red t-shirt with black sweatpants before dumping his dirty clothes in the hamper and grabbing his brush as he returned to his adjoining bedroom. Keith wasn't surprised to find his brother leaning against his bedpost, also in his pajamas of a black tank top and gray sweatpants, with his arms crossed and eyes turned to the floor.

"Hey, Shiro." Keith's voice was softer than usual, as the guilt of causing his brother to worry washed over him once again.

Shiro looked up and uncrossed his arms, "How're you feeling?"

Keith bit back his typical, 'I'm fine' knowing full well that the older man wouldn't believe it, not that he ever does anyway, "I'm exhausted, but I think the worst of the pain is over." he answered with a sigh.

The young billionaire stared the teenager down a few seconds before nodding in acceptance and letting out a sigh of his own, "We were really worried about you, Keith."

"I know. I'm sorry," Keith swallowed the lump growing in his throat and looked to the floor, "I should've stayed in the safe room, I know. I was stupid."

"Maybe so, " Shiro walked over and laid a hand on his shoulder, "But you were worried about your team, and that wasn't what I trying to get at," He squeezed his shoulder, causing Keith to return his gaze to him, "I just wanted to make sure you knew that Coran and I care about you. I understand why you did it, so I can't stay angry at you for trying to protect your friends," a teasing smirk crossed the older brother's face, "Although, I suspect it had more to do with a certain speedster than the team itself."

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