Batgirl To The Rescue

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The team gathered on the front porch of the Shirogane Manor as they tried to come up with a plan. They were all lost on what to do, and as more time passed their frustration and worry began to show. Superboy stood leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and his arms crossed. Artemis had perched herself on top of the porch railing, her back to a column, and her chin resting in her hands. Aqualad leaned against the railing next to her with both hands gripping it while his gaze was fixed to the floor. Mr. Martian floated above them all in meditation, while Kid Flash couldn't sit still. He paced the large porch scared for Keith, and angry at himself for not making absolute, one hundred percent, sure the older teen was safe.

The speedster sighed as he said what he was sure they were all thinking, "I wish Robin was here. I'm sure he'd know how to find Keith."

"Maybe," Hunk floated back down, "But, you don't know that for sure. Besides, I'm sure we can figure this out! Alright! Any ideas team?" Silence met the Martian's words and he deflated, "There has to be something we can do."

"Sorry, I'm late!" the team turned in surprise to see a young masked girl pushing a motorbike up to them, a grin spread on her face, "Took me awhile to sneak off so I could change." the newcomer wore an all black suit that had a black cape with a yellow underside, much like Robin's. Her cowl had pointed ears like Batman's, but had a small opening leaving her short, auburn ponytail exposed. What stunned the group most was the yellow bat symbol on her chest.

"And.... You are?" Aqualad questioned.

"Oh! Right!" she barked out a laugh, "I'm Batgirl. Been training with Batman for months, now. He asked me to give you guys a hand if you needed it," she hopped onto her bike, "Look, I know I'm not Robin, but I did get a tracker onto that van," she held up the tracker's receiver, "So..... You coming?"

Four pairs of eyes landed on Aqualad, "Let's go team!"


Keith groaned as he regained consciousness. Feeling material around his face, he didn't dare open his eyes. As long as his eyes stayed closed, he could fool himself that the blindfold wasn't there. He can't see cause his eyes were closed, that's all.

To distract himself, the boy wonder put his other senses to work. Trying to move, he discovered his arms and legs were tied to the chair he sat in. He could also feel some kind of rope tied around his chest. Murmuring came from somewhere in front of him, but he couldn't make out any words. He bit his lip in frustration, noting the lack of a gag. 'So they're aren't worried about me being heard.' Taking a deep breath he knew wherever he was, it smelled damp, and musty. 'The docks, maybe?' A door creaked open somewhere behind him, bringing with it the stench of fish. 'Yep. Defiantly the docks.'

'How could I be so stupid?!' he cursed himself, 'I'm supposed to be a hero. I'm Robin! I've been trained by the worlds greatest detective! Trained by Batman!' his anger drained away at the though, 'I'm sorry, Shiro.... Curran.... Lance... He's gonna blame himself for this. Damn it! This is all my fault!'

Heavy footsteps interrupted somber thoughts and he tensed as a large hand landed on his shoulder, "Ah, good, you're awake," the voice of his nightmares spoke, "We have some unfinished you and I. My, you've grown prettier over the last three or four years, little one."

Keith's hands balled up into fists, but he froze, barely able to breathe as his face was tilted upwards. It was like time had slowed. He smell Sendak's disgusting breath, he could feel it on his skin. He wanted to scream, to curse, to pull away, to bite that hand on his chin until it bled; but it was like he was paralyzed. His body trembled, his jaw clenched, his heart raced. 'I can't breathe!' Tears were trying to form, but his eyes were squeezed too tightly shut. 'Not again!' He was sick to his stomach, he could feel the bile in the back of his throat. 'Help!' A single tear managed to escape as the gang leader leaned closer.

"Boss! Intruders!"

Shouts and gunfire filled the room, but Keith barely heard any of it. The commotion had pulled Sendak away from him, but the teen was lost inside his own head. Trying to distance himself from what almost happened, and trying to prevent more tears from falling. He barely noticed that someone was untying him and had already taken off the blindfold. It wasn't until his liberator spoke and called his name that he began to come back to himself.

"-ith?! Keith?!" Kid Flash had the older teens face cupped in his hands, "Keith?! It's Kid Flash! Can you hear me?!" a weak nod, "Are you hurt anywhere?" he started to shake his head, but winced at the attempt, "Your head?" another weak nod, "Okay. You're gonna be okay, Keith!"

Kid! We can handle this! Get Mr. Kogane out of here! ~ Aqualad

"Alright," the speedster didn't even bother replying, "I'm gonna pick you up and run you to the hospital, okay?" after another weak nod, he lifted the shorter teen bridal style, "I need you to wrap your arms around my neck and hold on tight, Keith."

The boy wonder mechanically did what he was told and Lance took off. The wind on his face finally brought Keith back to himself fully. Actually understanding what his friend had said now, had him tapping the other teen's shoulder so he'd stop.

The Cuban skidded to a stop in the middle of Gotham Central Park, and sat the still trembling boy down on a nearby bench. Luckily, it was close to midnight and all Gothamites knew to stay off the streets around there.

"Are you okay?" 'Stupid question, McClain!' Kid Flash scolded himself as he crouched down in front of his crush.

Keith snorted as he finally opened his eyes to the worry and fear in the other's ocean gaze. He took a deep breath, "I- I'm okay. I might have a concussion from them hitting me over the head, but other than that, I'm fine."

Lance narrowed his eyes, searching the other's troubled purple eyes, before nodding, "I'll buy that you're fine physically, but what about mentally and emotionally? Did they... Did they.... do that again?"

The boy wonder closed his eyes and shook his head slowly as he gripped his pants, "N- no you found me before he could." tears pricked his eyes.

The speedster sat on the bench beside him, "But,... it was close. wasn't it?"

Keith didn't even try to stop the tears as he nodded, relief flooding his body, "T- thank y- you," he choked out. A pair of long arms wrapped around him for the second time that night and he cried into the Cuban's shoulder, "Thank you.... Thank you..... Thank you....." he whispered repeatedly.


I hope that wasn't too dark

And yeah not much Batgirl Pidge, but, hey, the story isn't about her


~Thank You For Reading!~

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