Lost Bird

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Screams from the main entrance broke the two boys out of their trance, and Kid Flash reacted immediately. Placing himself between Keith and the escalating chaos, he quickly took out his goggles from his pocket and pulled them on. He grabbed Keith's hand and started guiding the older teen towards the staircase at the back of the ballroom as he reached out to the rest of the team via Mr. Martian's mind link.

What happened?! ~ Kid Flash

Some guys are trying to force their way in. They look like gangbangers. ~ Superboy

Seriously?! I'm dealing with the same thing at the side entrance! ~ Artemis

Kid, where are you? Are you still with Mr. Kogane? ~ Aqualad

Yeah. We're by the staircase in the back of the room. ~ Kid Flash

Good. Artemis, Superboy how are you holding up? ~ Aqualad

Lance was impressed with how calm Keith stayed in the midst of the chaos and potential danger. He hadn't even asked what was going on. Yes, Lance was impressed, but also confused. The Korean boy was almost acting like he'd been in a situation like this before. He just followed the speedster calmly, and without question. Despite the fact that his eyes were darting around the room, Kid Flash could tell that he wasn't scared. He didn't even seem worried, and with the sounds of screams, fighting, and gunfire all around them, and that was strange.

The two boys had just reached the bottom of the stairs when Artemis and Super updated Aqualad.

I could use some assistance! ~ Artemis

Same here. ~ Superboy

Mr. Martian, are you still with Mr. Shirogane? ~ Aqualad

I left Mr. Shirogane in his panic room. Kid, I'm sending you the directions. I'm heading back to help. ~ Mr. Martian

Good idea. Mr. Martian back up Artemis. Superboy, I'm coming to you. Kid, get Mr. Kogane to the panic room, then start evacuating all the guests. The civilians are our top priority! ~ Aqualad

Got it! ~ Mr. Martian

On it! ~ Kid Flash

"Keith, I'm gonna pick you up and run you to the panic room, alright?" Lance informed the shorter boy before picking him up bridal style.

"Uh, yeah, ok," a blush grew across his face as he wrapped his arms around the hero's neck, "Wait! Do you even know where it is?"

"Mr. Martian escorted your brother there, so he sent me directions," he explained quickly, "Now hold on tight." he smiled as Keith nodded and tightened his hold around his neck and closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, Lance was setting the older boy back on his feet in front of the panic room door, "Okay, you'll be safe as long you stay in here. I need to go help my team and get your guests out of here safely," he paused and pressed a kiss to his cheek, " I'll come find you when everything is over and safe." leaving a gust of air in his wake, he sped away.

For a moment, the boy wonder stood stunned with a hand on his cheek and a blush on his pale skin. Shaking his head clear and he reached out to type in the panic room's passcode. Hand hovering above the keypad, he paused, listening to the fighting that he could still hear from the opposite side of the mansion. His hand dropped back down to his side and balled up into a fist along with it's opposite.

Unmasked - Klance, Young Justice AUWhere stories live. Discover now