Fast Feet, Slow Mind

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Kid Flash's heart warmed at the scene he found as he reentered the study. Pride was rolled off Coran in waves as Keith laughed uncontrollably into his knees.

The speedster could do nothing but smile as he listened to the music that was Keith's laugh. However, seeing the Korean boy curled up on the couch was giving him the oddest sense of daja'vu. 'Why does his laugh sound so familiar? Hell, why is Keith seem so familiar?' He couldn't help but feel the answer was right in front of his face, 'I just know I'm gonna feel so stupid after I finally figure this out.' A gasp of pain from said boy interrupted his thoughts, causing him to rush over with the supplies.

"Thank you, my boy," Coran nodded as he took the first aid kit and began digging through it while Lance held out the bottle of water and ice pack to Keith. Uncurling himself, Keith accepted them with a small but grateful smile before pressing the ice pack to his head causing him to hiss through his teeth.

"Master Keith, I need you to turn around." the butler instructed with a twirl of his finger.

The teen rolled his eyes and sighed, but did as he was told all the same, "It's really not that bad. I've had worse, Coran." he complained.

"You realize there's a knot on your head the size of a golf ball right?" Lance spoke up, his sarcasm failing to disguise his amusement.

The boy wonder glared at the brunet, "I've had worse." he repeated with a huff as he crossed his arms.

The speedster rolled his eyes and crossed his own arms, subconsciously copying the older boy, "You sound just like Robin."

Keith's breath caught in his throat. He searched for any sign of recognition or realization in his friend's gaze. Not finding any, he frowned and glared at his lap as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "Maji? Watashi wa baka ga daisukidesu!" he grumbled.

Coran's sudden outburst of laughter startled the confused speedster, "Hakuchi wa kawaigarimasu," he stated after catching his breath, "Oh! Apologies, Kid Flash, we were speaking Japanese. Now, I'm gonna put this balm on the wound. It should help it heal much quicker."

The butler gently pulled Keith's hair from it's ponytail, while the teen watched for Lance's reaction. Not surprisingly, the taller teen showed no sign of recognizing the more Robin-like hairstyle, and Keith wasn't sure if he was more disappointed, relieved, or irritated. He winced a bit as the medicine was gently rubbed in; the butler then wrapped a bandage around his head.

"Alrighty, Master Keith," Coran returned the left over supplies to the kit and pulled out a bottle of pain pills, "Now, I want you to take two of these. They'll knock you out though, so you'll be staying on this couch for at least a few hours."


"No, he's right, Keith," they all turned to see a very relieved looking Shiro, "Even if it is just a concussion, it's better that you move around as little as possible."

"Fiinne," Keith whined as he took the pills from Coran and swallowed them with a drink of water.

"Excellent!" Coran returned the bottle to the kit, "Now if you would excuse me, I will retrieve some pillows and blankets for Master Keith." With a nod, the butler, med kit in hand, quickly strutted out of the room.

Shiro let out a sigh as he laid a hand on Lance's shoulder, "Thank you for bringing him home, Kid Flash."

"All in a day's, or night's, work, Mr. Shirogane." he answered with a smile.

'Kid, did you get Mr. Kogane home safely?' ~ Aqualad

'Oh! Yeah, sure did, Kal. He's safe. ~ Kid Flash

Unmasked - Klance, Young Justice AUWhere stories live. Discover now