Who's Your Favorite Hero?

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"Keith?" the sound of Lance's voice broke through Keith's thoughts, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

The boy wonder shook his head and grabbed the hero's wrist, "Follow me." Not really giving the other male a choice, he started making his way through the crowd; practically dragging the confused speedster behind him. It took some maneuvering, but the two teens finally escaped the mass of people and the older let out a sigh of relief as he lead the way to the balcony.

"God, I hate these things," Keith grumbled under his breath just loud enough for Kid Flash to hear. He released his hold on the taller teen, "Sorry," he sighed as he walked to the railing, "I just wanted to talk away from," he turned around and gestured back towards the ballroom, "...that."

"Oh, no problem," Lance responded, walking up to stand beside him, "But don't you think it's risky? Isolating yourself like this? There's someone threatening to kill you and being out here makes you more vulnerable."

The Korean couldn't stop the laugh that spilled from his lips, "You might be right, but I'm not alone. Kid Flash is here with me," he looked straight into said teen's blue eyes and winked, "I know I'm safe with you next to me," he smiled at the growing blush on the Cuban's face before glancing away, "You know.... You're actually my favorite hero." he confessed, as he crossed his arms and leaned on the railing.

That seemed to snap Lance out of his wide eyed stuper, "Wha.... what? Why?" shook and amazement filled his voice, "I figured your favorite was Batman or Robin. I mean they do protect the city you live in."

"Yeah.... and don't get me wrong, I think they're great and all, but," he paused, "They don't interact with people like you and Flash do. And as someone who's always struggled socially, well, I guess I just really admire you and your ability to talk to people," he snorted out a laugh, " You make it look so easy too." a small smile had grown on Keith's face as he finally let his true admirations about his friend show.

"Wow...." the speedster was stunned by his crush's words; he could tell that the older teen truly meant them, "I.... I don't know what to say." It's not often Kid Flash is left speechless, and at that moment he felt like his heart could out race his feet.

"You don't have to say anything," the two remained silent for a moment, watching the lights of Gotham shine in the night. Growing concerned for the talkative boy being unusually quiet for so long, Keith broke the silence, " So, I know you're a hero yourself and all, obviously, but do you have a favorite hero? You know, other than yourself?"

Meeting the shorter teen's eyes, Lance answered with zero hesitation, "Robin."

Said boy blinked in surprise, whenever someone asked the same question while Robin was around Kid Flash always said it was the Flash, "Robin? Really? I thought you'd say Flash, he's your mentor after all."

" One hundred percent," the speedster seemed to come back to himself, "It used to be Flash, but I don't know, that was just cause we share the same powers. And maybe I'm being a bit biased cause Rob is my best friend and all, but he is just such a badass!" a grin spread across his face, "I mean, both he and Batman are already awesome for taking on the same superpowered villains as us metas and aliens, but Rob? He took to this job like a fish to water! He's a natural at kicking ass and taking names! It's like he was born to be a hero, like it's his destiny or something!" his expression turned thoughtful, "Honestly, there's nobody I'd trust more with anything than the Mullet Wonder." he chuckled.

Keith's heart was doing an impression of a sledgehammer against his ribs. First he hears how amazing Lance thinks Keith is as Robin; now he's heard of how badass Kid Flash thinks Robin is as Keith. Needless to say, the poor boy wonder's head was spinning, " You think really highly of him." as lame as what he said was, the Korean was just happy he'd been able to form words at all.

The Cuban laughed again, "Yep. I don't need to know who's behind that mask to know that he'll always be there when I need him, so I'll always have his back."

It took all of Keith's will power not to kiss his friend senseless. Instead, he decided to return Lance's trust in him by telling him the story that he had only told Shiro, and Curan. Pidge knew some of the story, but he had found it too difficult to tell her everything. But Lance? Lance deserved to know it all, no matter how difficult it was to tell.

So that's a bit of a cliffhanger huh?

Next chapter will be about Robin's origins. I've changed it a bit to fit Keith's character better. It might get a bit dark, but there won't be anything graphic or explicit, Keith will just be telling the story.

Thanks For Reading!

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