Robin's Beginning

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Keith took a deep breath and looked back out towards the city, "My family owned Haley's Traveling Circus. Well, when I say family I mean my dad, I never knew my mother. The circus was my family for fourteen years," a nostalgic smile grew on his lips, "I wanted to be trapeze artist back then," he closed his eyes as the smile melted away, "Our last show here in Gotham had just ended, all the attendees had left, and I was helping my father clean up when everything went to hell."

Another deep breath, "My dad and I were the only ones in the tent when the gang F.O.P., or Fire of Purification, stormed in and demanded money. My father refused, telling them to leave before he called the police. The next thing I know, I was waking up on the ground with my arms tied behind my back and my father was tied to the center post. I was told later that my father and I had been attacked from behind and I was knocked unconscious and my father was beaten."

The older teen gripped the pendent around his neck for comfort before he continued, his voice growing softer as he did, "I remember yelling any and all insults and threats I could think of at them, along with a lot of curses. T-their leader had me blindfolded... and...." Lance laid a comforting hand on Keith's shoulder as he stumbled over his words. The younger teen was confused on why the older was confiding in him like they were old friends, but he was more than willing to listen.

Keith's grip on his pendent tightened as he slowed his breathing, "It's not that I hate masks; what I hate is being blinded. It sends me back to that night every time and I panic." he took another deep breath and when he spoke again it was barely a whisper, "They did more than beat me, L-Kid Flash. They... they..."

The speedster squeezed his shoulder in comfort, "It's okay. I get what you're trying to say. You don't have to relive it by going into the details, Keith."

"Thank you," he nodded, "I'm grateful every single day that... that Batman showed up when he did. Everything after that was a blur. I remember smelling smoke, feeling heat all around me, and my father begging Batman to save me. The last thing I heard my dad say was that I was strong and that he was proud of me for it and that he'd always watch over me... that he loved me. Batman untied me, took off the blindfold; I kept my eyes shut anyway, out of fear and shock, and he carried me out of there. When I finally opened my eyes, Batman had me standing a safe distance away and I saw the entire circus up in flames. The next thing I remember, I was waking up in the hospital after passing out."

Keith opened his eyes and turned to Lance, "I met Shiro shortly after that, but it wasn't till after he had officially taken me in that the G.C.P.D found this in the rubble," he held up the pendent (Pictured above), "My father wore it all the time, it used to be my mothers. It was the last piece of her he had left, besides me, and now it's the last piece I have of either of them." Relieved to have reached the end of his story, a small but sad smile graced his lips.

Without warning the boy wonder was pulled into a hug, "Shit," Kid Flash breathed, "I'm so sorry, Keith. I'm sorry you went through that and I'm so sorry I unknowingly asked about it. Did they catch those culos?"

Keith snorted out a laugh at Lance's protective tone... and the irony, "They got all of them except the leader. No ones seen or heard of him since. And actually, it was the first case that Robin worked on,... I think."

Lance pulled the older teen closer, "If Batman and Robin are on the case, then they'll find that monstruo."

"I know."

"Good," that was all the speedster said as he held the shorter boy close, thoughts racing in his mind, 'Why do I feel like I know him? Am I missing something here?'

For the first time since he was fourteen, Keith let a single tear escape his eye. He'd always had a difficult time letting people in, but opening up to Lance had always felt... natural. He knew his friend had to be confused on why he was acting so familiar with him, and yet here he was, simply comforting him instead of immediately asking a bunch of questions. Keith couldn't help it, he'd held himself back for so long. After all this time pinning after the speedster, whom he'd thought was straight, he finally felt like he had a real chance to be with him. He couldn't, and wouldn't, let that chance slip away.

Minutes passed and Kid Flash still hadn't pulled away, but the boy wonder could tell he wanted to say something, so he wasn't surprised when he finally spoke up, "Would," he swallowed, "Would you dance with me?"

That, was not what Keith was expecting. At all. He pulled back a bit to look up at him in surprise, "Dance?"

Lance's face grew more and more red with every word that fell from his lips, "I- I know you said y-you don't like the crowd, so if you don't want to I understand, I- I just thought you could use the distraction is all," he started rambling faster and faster, "I- I would love to dance with you, but n- no pressure! I really like you actually, b- but if I was reading this wrong, then, I'm sorry. I- I don't even know for sure if you're into guys or not! And I can't even tell you my real name cause... you know... superhero! Mierda! And I'm here to protect you! Not flirt with you! Batman will have my head!..."

The boy wonder could only stare wide eyed as the Cuban started ranting too fast for him to understand. He couldn't believe that the team flirt was this nervous to ask him for a simple dance. Especially when the two of them were currently standing less than half a foot apart from each other, after hugging, for at least five minutes. Keith's hands still rested on the other's arms while Lance's hands were on his waist.

Keith closed his eyes and bit his lip hard to keep it in, but a few more seconds of Lance's near panicked voice carrying on and he broke. His forehead hit the speedster's shoulder as he laughed and placed a hand over the younger teen's mouth.

It took a full minute for the Korean to stop laughing and another to catch his breath enough to talk, " Sorry, I'm not laughing at you, well, okay I am, but not for the reason you're thinking," he pulled his head back from Kid Flash's shoulder, "I just think it's funny that one of, if not the, cockiest heroes is this nervous to ask me to dance," he chuckled, "Especially when I've been trying to flirt with him this entire time." he smiled playfully and rolled his eyes.


"Don't worry, I know I suck at it. I'm pretty socially impaired. Oh, and just to myself even clearer," Keith leaned in to whisper into the speedster's ear, "I'm gay," He reluctantly stepped out of his stunned, and still blushing friend's arms and gestured toward the ballroom, "So, Kid Flash, would you dance with me?" he held out his hand with a smile.

Lance blinked an few times before returning his smile ten-fold and taking the offered hand, "I'd love to, Mr.Kogane."

There it is! What do you think of Robin Keith's backstory?

Once again, all the Spanish came from Google Translate.

Culos= Assholes

Monstruo= Monster

Mierda= Shit

Thanks For Reading!!!

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