Briefing Flashback

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They all stood, in costume, in the cave mission room (AN: can't remember what it's called.) as Batman explained the mission.

"Yesterday, the Gotham Police Department received an anonymous letter that threatened the lives of Takashi Shirogane and his brother, Keith Kogane at tonight's Shirogane Charity Ball," Batman pulled up pictures of the two brothers as he spoke their names and Robin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "As we are still unsure of who sent this letter; Aqualad, Artemis, Mr.Martian, Superboy, and Kid Flash will be going undercover to protect the Ball's attendees."

"We're going to a ball?!" Artemis pressed her hands together, eyes widening with poorly consealed excitement.

"Wait, what about, Robin?" Kid Flash gestured over to the shorter boy on his right.

Mr.Martian raised his hand, " Are we gonna have to dress up for this?"

Batman narrowed his eyes, "Robin will be coming with me on another mission. You five will be there to keep not just the brothers but the guests safe as well. You are to remain on guard at all times, do not allow yourselves be distracted. Your outfits for this mission are in your rooms. I expect you all to be on your best behavior." He sent a 'bat-glare' to Kid Flash, "Dismissed." he turned to Robin, " I expect you back in an hour." he whispered.

"Sir, yes, sir." he replied sarcastically as his mentor teleported back to Gotham.

"Why'd he have to look at me when he said that?!" Kid Flash crossed his arms as he pouted.

Robin let out a chuckle and smirked, "Because you're you."

The speedster glared back at him opening his mouth to retaliate before Artemis interrupted them, "I've always wanted to go to a ball! Even though I know were going to be there to work, I'm still excited! I'm just sorry you're not coming with us, Robin."

The boy wonder merely shrugged, "Never really wanted to go really. Big parties aren't my thing."

" But Rob!" Kid butted in, "You're gonna miss the chance to meet Keith Kogane!" his eyes widened comically and he gasped, "I'm gonna have the chance to meet Keith Kogane."

Mr.Martian giggled coming up and throwing an arm around the stunned boy's shoulders, "That's right, buddy." A knowing smile spread across the martian's face as he shifted to his human disguise. Aqualad and Superboy left to their rooms.

"Why's that such a big deal?" Robin asked raising an eyebrow in confusion.

His question seemed to break Kid Flash out of his stupor, " Are you kidding me?!" he yelled.

"Um...No?" was all the taken aback boy could get out before the speedster grabbed ahold of his shoulders.

"Keith Kogane has to be one of, if not the hottest guy on this planet!" he stated with a grin, " You live in Gotham. How do you not know that?!"

"Keith Kogane is probably Lance's biggest celebrity crush." Hunk explained, trying not to laugh at his friends excitement.

It was Robin's turn to be stunned and it took all his willpower not to blush, " O..oh. Wha I thought you were straight?"

The tan boy let out a laugh, "Oh yeah, I forgot I haven't told you yet." he let go the other's shoulders, crossed his arms, and shrugged, "I'm Bi. I just have a harder time flirting with guys than with girls. I got punched in the face for it once, and like hell am I risking my pretty face again."

"....And you have a crush on Keith Kogane?" hope now raising in the boy wonder's chest, "You've never even met him before."

"No es necesario." The Cuban grinned and started counting his reasons on his fingers, "Uno: I know he's top of his class at Gotham Private Academy, I saw it on the news, so he's smart. Dos: You hardly ever hear about him otherwise in the news, so I assume he's not an attention lover(like a lot of celebs are). Tres: I heard that the fights he has gotten into were because he was defending someone else, so he's caring and/or kind. Cuatro: He's stands up for his brother to the press all the time, despite not being related by blood. Cinco: He volunteers at homeless shelters and soup kitchens whenever he can. Seis: He won a fencing tournament, which is so cool! And Siete: He is the most beautiful guy I've ever seen! He has gorgeous purple eyes! Purple eyes!"

Kid Flash was now hopping up and down with excitement and Robin was trying to remember how to breathe. The older teen's eyes had widened with every word that left his friend's mouth; and he was grateful that you couldn't see it through his mask. The friend he'd been crushing on in secret had a crush on his secret identity. He was suddenly snapped back to attention when said friend let out a groan.

" What I don't know is which team he plays for," the taller boy went from excited to nervous, "No one's been able to figure it out for sure, and obviously he's never outright said it. Some say he wants to see if people will be able to figure it out. It sounds like a playful way to try and keep his privacy if you ask me."

At that, an idea popped into the boy wonder's mind and he had to force his face to keep a neutral expression, "Maybe you'll get the chance to figure it out tonight then," he started heading for the teleporter, talking over his shoulder as he went, "I should catch up with Batman for our mission tonight." he looked back and gave them all a thumbs up and a grin, "Good luck, guys!"

'No es necesario' - Not necessary

This is from google translate, and so will be any Spanish I put into my stories. I am not a native Spanish speaker so I apologize if I get stuff wrong.

Also, I don't know if Spanish speakers actually count things out like I had Lance do, but I thought it would be cute for him to count his reasons in Spanish.

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