Dance With Me?

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The music at most balls, at least to Keith's knowledge, were mostly instrumental and classical; Shiro refused to follow that tradition. While there were still some classical songs on the playlist, it was mostly filled with more modern music. It was young the billionaire's way of trying to make these functions less 'stuffy' and more unique and enjoyable. Keith and Lance had danced to this random mix for almost an hour before retreating to one of the tables set up for guests to rest and socialize.

Keith had caught the rest of the team watching them dance a couple of times and he couldn't help but smile knowing that they were going to be merciless in teasing the Cuban teen once the mission was over. Even Kal'dur would probably join in. The boy wonder knew the only reason the team leader wasn't complaining about Kid Flash slacking off, was because he was slacking off with the person he was here to protect. He could feel a couple of the team's stares still on them as he told the speedster stories of he and Shiro's antics.

"Seriously," Keith was explaining, "If someone didn't know any better, they'd think we were blood related with how Shiro acts."

"He's still way too young to act so much like a dad." Lance commented trying to hold back his laughter. He was getting a rare peek into a not so glamorous side of Gotham's favorite billionaire and he loved it.

"A dad?" the Korean scoffed before smirking, "More like a mom."

The speedster lost it, laughing so hard tears formed in his eyes. The older teen watched him with a small smile on his lips. Making his friend laugh wasn't exactly hard to do, but it never failed to cause his heart to swell with pride and joy.

'He'd laugh even harder if he knew I was also talking about Batman. He'd probably have a hard time stopping.' He thought amused. To this day Keith sometimes wondered if Shiro had some sort of split identity disorder with how different he acted without the mask.

The boy wonder's head snapped up in confusion when the music suddenly stopped mid-song. His gaze was caught almost immediately by Pidge. The young girl wore a grin on her face as she sat against the wall next to their table, heels off, and his laptop in her lap. She winked at him as she made a show of pressing a key with a single finger. His eyes widened as he recognized the intro to 'So Close' by Jon McLaughlin begin playing.

"That little gremlin..." Keith muttered glaring at Pidge, who he knew was laughing at him from behind the laptop she now hid behind.

"Who's a gremlin?" Kid Flash questioned, cocking his head to the side.

The Korean sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "A very irritating friend of mine," he smiled as an idea crossed his mind. Looking back to the other boy, he stood from his chair, " Dance with me?"

Lance blinked in confusion at his sudden mood change, but stood up anyway, "Um, sure."

The older teen lead the way to the dance floor as the song started it's first verse. All Keith could think about as they swayed was how badly he wanted to stop time and live in this moment forever. Lance had always been so close and yet so far out of his reach, but now here he was dancing in his arms. The shorter boy hummed along to the song's ending, however, just like he knew she would, Pidge caught on to his plan. She played another song from his playlist of songs that reminded him of the boy in his arms; 'Obvious' by Westlife.

That's how it went for the next two dances; The third song: 'Love' by Nathan Wagner, and the fourth: 'Always Been You' by Dylan Emmet. The next song, however, was one the boy wonder hadn't heard before.

Smiling, Lance quickly squeezed his hand before placing it on his shoulder and pulling Keith closer with both hands on his waist. The shorter teen blushed as his friend began to sing along softly in his ear.

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