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A date.

I'm going on a date.

With Jasper Hale.

I get out of bed and immediately start getting ready. I walk into my bathroom and do my normal routine, but I go a little bit harder in the shower.

Somehow I manage to not get my hair wet, making me feel accomplished.

I walk out of my bathroom only to see Karmen sitting on my bed. I yelp causing her to smirk, "it's sunny out, and I want to wear your clothes." I roll my eyes and motion to my closet. "Knock yourself out, just don't grab the angel dress." She smiles and skips over to my closet. I walk over to my vanity and begin to do my skincare, and body care.

"I'm taking the cherry dress. What are you getting so dressed up for?" I look at her through the mirror as I rub a little bit of my body shimmer on, "I have a date with Jasper Hale." Her eyes widen in shock. I scoff and walk over to my closet, "don't act surprised, you heard the argument between me and Amethyst." She shakes her head, "I just knew you found another mate, I didn't know who."

I glance over her body, she's not lying.

"Well, now you know now if you excuse me, I would like to get dressed." She nods and walks out of my room. I grab the dress along with a thong and my strapless bra.

I finish getting dressed and look at myself in the mirror, "I look good."

My curves are showing off well, my skin looks soft and is shining, I feel like me. I slip my shoes and and grab my bag.

I walk down stairs and drop my bag on the couch, "oooo Willow looks hot!" I wink at Juniper and grab a cup of cranberry juice. "I heard you were going on date with Jasper. I'm glad you gave him a chance, He was really upset about you running away the other day." I frown and take a sip of the tart drink. I didn't know he was upset about me running away, he hides his emotions well.

Aunt Amethyst makes her way into the kitchen and I ignore her. Karmen and Delilah come down and I smile looking at them," you both look great! I see you went through my closet Dels?" She blushes and grabs some fruit. I chuckle and wash out my cup, "Are you guys ready?" I ask as I grab my keys.

They nod and we walk out to the car. We get in and I quickly hook my phone up to play music, pretty soon I was reversing out the driveway and flying down the street.

I fly into the schools parking lot with Maddison Beers "BOYSHIT" playing.

Of course everyone is looking and I can't help but to smirk at the attention. I look at Karmen out the corner of my eye and she also has a smirk on her face. "You guys are such attention whores." Delilah says grabbing her bag. I shrug and grab my bag, "I feed off it." She scoffs and gets out of the doorless jeep. She quickly walks ahead avoiding the stares of everyone else.

"Make an entrance or go our separate ways?" Karmen asks as she re-applies her staple red lipstick. "Mmm, make an entrance and separate in the lunch room." I state as I check over my face one more time.

I turn the car off and we get out ther car, walking arm in arm into the building. Some of the student body is outside and they whisper as we walk in.

I catch the eyes of a couple of boys and I smirk as they all start pushing at eachother trying to figure out who I'm looking at.

We finally make it into the building, and it feels like a scene out of a teen movie.

Everyone is looking at us as we strut through the hallway with confidence.

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