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"Thanks for coming with me Juno." She shrugs and Continues to look at the greenery passing by. "I'm tired of being stuck inside the house. Plus, being in a house full of vampires doesn't seem great for you." I flash her a grateful smile, and continue driving.

Soon, we are parked in the makeshift driveway of the Cullen's.

I turn the car off and sigh out.

I'm nervous.

I mean who wouldn't be? This like the equivalent to meeting your significant others family.

"You ready?" Juno asks. I nod, and we both get out the car. We begin to walk towards the house, but I'm stopped by Juno gasping. I quickly turn to see what's wrong, but she is fine. "Are my clothes ok?"

"Fucking hell Juni! I thought something was wrong!" I look at her outfit and nod.

A white cropped long sleeve shirt, blue jean overalls, and vans.


"You look fine. Stop scaring me and let's go." She snickers and continues to walk with me.

Before I have a chance to knock on the door, it swings open and I'm greeted with a nervous looking Rosalie.

Even though I'm still not one hundred percent comfortable with Rosalie, I'm happy she was the one
That opened the door. I greet her with a smile and she returns it. Juno clears her throat, and nudges me. I roll my eyes, and motion towards the ginger next to me, "Rose, this is my cousin Juniper. Juno for short." Timidly, Rose holds her hand out.
  Juno shakes it and gives her a smile, "your name is pretty! Although you look more like a Brittany." I shake my head and mumble to myself. Rose laughs and let us into the house. She guides us into the kitchen and immediately, I tense and put my guard up.

"Willow! It's nice of you to join us! Thank you for accepting my invitation. I know you didn't want me to cook anything, so I just made you a fruit bowl." Esme says turning toward me. I give a tight smile and wrap my arms around myself, "oh I'm sorry, who is this?" Juniper stand infront of me and smiles.
  "I'm Juniper, her cousin. It's nice to meet you! I love the plants you have scattered around." Esme smiles at Juno and says thank you. I lean against the wall so I can see all of them. That's when It hits me,

I'm in a house full of vampires.

I clench my fists trying to keep myself calm. I shouldn't -no can't. I can't lash out because it's seven against one. I could probably take one out before I'm taken down, but that would leave Juno alone. 

"Your thoughts are kinda loud will, you need to calm down."

I look at Juno and see her glaring at me. I ignore her, and continue watching my surroundings. A Hand landing on my shoulder causes me to gasp, and teleport across the room. I quickly turn around and see Emmett standing where I was, looking almost sad.
  "Willow sweetheart? Why don't you sit down?" Esme offers with an unsure smile. She gestures toward the black and grey marbled island in the middle of the kitchen.

I timidly sit down and watch as the bowl of fruit is placed in front of me. I'm not hungry, so I push the bowl towards Juno. She happily takes it, and begins to munch on the juicy fruit.
"Why did you invite me over?" My question breaks the silence that has settled. Carlisle looks at Esme, then back at me, "We wanted to get to know you." I tilt my head and squint a little.

"You could have asked Rosalie. She knows everything about me... but you didn't want to know my favorite color now did you?"  For a quick second, a smirk makes it way on to my face.

"We should take this into the livingroom." Carlisle says. I grab Juno's hand and follow them to the livingroom. I sit down on the farthest couch while Juno sits on the floor next to me. "Well go on, ask away." I cross my legs and lean back.

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