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"So you really played softball?" Emmet asks as I hop out of my jeep. I twirl around so everyone can see my old uniform.

"Yes sir, rose how does my butt look?" Her eyes move towards my but and and smirks. "I might fight jasper over you." I low snarl comes from beside me and I feel arms wrap around me, I turn around and smile at him.

"Oh stop it she's just kidding." I stand on my toes and plant a quick kiss to his lips. "Now be a goon boyfriend and grab my bat for me ok?" He laughs making me turn away.

I yelp feeling him smack my ass. I turn back to him with wide eyes, "Jasper!"

He says nothing and turns away to grab my bat.

I walk over to rose and begin talking to her.

Eventually I see another car pull into the field and Edward and Bella hop out.

I roll my eyes and watch them walk over.

"Bella! I'm glad you're here! We need an umpire." Esme says as she greets the two.

Emmet walks over tossing the ball up and down, "she thinks we cheat."

I give him a look, "I know you cheat."

He gives me a dirty look and I smile.

Esme winks at me and places bella at home plate, "call it when you see it bella," Esme pats Bella on the shoulder. Everyone moves into place. Rose is up first to bat so she stands on the base testing her swinging. Esme squats down in the back of her incase she needs to catch the ball.

Edward walk out into the field while Emmet.....

Emmet looks like he's hyping himself up for a fight more than baseball

Lighting strikes with a loud noise of thunder following and I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Alice smiles and throws the ball up in the air, "it's time," and she catches it.

Rose bends her knees and hold the bat up as Alice gets ready to pitch. She kicks her leg up and throws the ball towards rose.

As soon as the bat and ball connect, the sound of thunder hits.

Bella gasps in shock, "ok now I see why you need the thunder." I fight the urge to roll my eyes knowing that she's right.

As rose runs the bases, Edward runs into the woods to catch the ball.

"That's gotta be a home run, right?" Bella asks lowkey rooting for rose.

Esme smirks and shakes her head, "Edward is very fast."

I notice jasper twirling his bat with a straight face. I bit my lip at how attractive he looks, "come on rose!" I snap back to reality and see the ball coming towards Esme as rose is about to hit home.

Esme catches the ball and touches the base same time as rose. Esme looks at Bella waiting for her to say the words.

"You're out!"

Emmet shouts the same words causing rose to glare at him, "come on babe it's just a game!" Rose stands up while staring a now timid Bella down. She bumps their shoulders making me laugh. Carlisle pulls rose into a hug

"Nice kitty,"

The little pet name makes me smile.

"You're up Willow." I shoot up and speed the the home plate.

"Show us what you got ma water! " emmet yells. I bend my knees and hold my bat up. Alice wastes no time in throwing the ball.

I swing my bat with all my night and watch as a streak of purple and lighting touches the ball as it goes flying. I drop the bat and take off running to first base. Emmet and Edward both jump in an attempt to grab the ball but the both miss it.

Dreams • Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now