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My eyes shoot open and I grab whoever is over me by their neck and I slam them on to the ground.

I'm quickly restrained and held to the ground. "Darlin calm down! It's me and Alice!" I stop struggling and look around. I see a shocked rose on the ground looking at me concerned.

I notice the rest of the cullens are in the room, all confused.

"Where's Bella?" Edward asks looking nervous.



"Bella!" I shout pushing jasper off of me.

"That bitch." I shout taking my glass filled jacket off.

"Willow now is not the time where is Bella!?" Edward growls. "That bitch fucking blew ruby dust in my face and eyes, causing me to go temporarily blind, then she swung a fucking case to the side of my head!" I shout in anger.

Emmet snort making everyone look at him, "sorry the fact Bella was able to knock out Willow means she's stronger than we all think." I grunt at his words and shakily stand up with the help of jasper.

"Where did she go, why did she leave? I called her told her I was coming!" Edward looks beyond stressed. Esme hands me a glass of water as I sit on the couch. I take sip before I speak, "James called her after. He has her mom held hostage like the fucking joker in that damn ballet studio."

"And you didn't stop her!?" I glare at Edward and stand up. "I fucking tried! I called her a dumb bitch and told her to sit down and wait, why do you think I ended up knocked out dumbass." Edward runs his hand through his hair in frustration. "Maybe she's not there yet let's cal-I can't calm down Carlisle! The love of my life is out there with a vampire who wants to kill her!" He turns and points at me.

"And it all her fault. All because she's so hell bent on avenging her dead parents she let Bella leave." I throw the glass of water at him but he moves, causing the glass to connect with the shattered broken mirror. "You know I'm so sick and tired of eve- " I'm cut off with a yell. I stop what I'm doing and look around.

"What was that?" Everyone looks at me in confusion.

"I heard screaming." I mumble.

"She's losing her mind." I hear Edward say but I ignore him.

"Tell him!"

"No! Edward please don't."

My eyes widen.

"It's Bella!"

"She's still in the hotel?" Carlisle asks.

I push what I'm hearing into edwards mind. His eyes widen and he looks around in confusion. I catch a glimpse of something moving in the broken mirror.

I slowly walk over and look through the distortion.

I see Bella on the ground by a broken mirror. She holding her leg as James stands over her with a sadistic smile and a camcorder.

I hear multiple gasps behind me.

"We have to get to her now!"

The smile on James face makes me think of him standing over my mother and father.

I feel this powerful feeling pass through me.

I raise my hand and gently touch the mirror.

As if it was a puddle, the mirror ripples.

I snatch my hand back.

"What just happened?" Emmet asks.

Suddenly in snatch by my shoulders and turned around.

I'm face to face with Edward

"Are you able to go through the mirror?!" I stare at with wide eyes.

"Please Willow, are you able to go through the mirror!?"

"I-I don't know? I think so? Delilah t-trials she said me and Karmen could and that I was able to bring people through." I mumble out in shock.

He looks at me with hope. "No! This is not happening!" Jasper says.

"If you can't bring me with you through the mirror go by yourself and kill him."


Kill James.


I turn around back towards the mirror and raise my hand once again. I touch the water like glass and slowly push my hand through.

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