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"That's right honey."

Everyone snaps their head to the source of the voice.

My eyes widen seeing the men.



"Grandpa Lucy?"

The two men smile at us, one oddly comforting and the other sinister.

"What? No hugs or kisses? I thought you all would be delighted to see us." Grandpa says in concearn. "I would be if you would be here for a different reason." I state as I glare at them. Jaspers grip tightens on me and Rose stands closer. Grandpa sees this and smiles, "oh Willow! You met your other mates! How exciting!" My eyes widen at his words.


I turn to Rosalie and she looks just as confused as me. "Oh no, not her! It's some human." He stares Jasper down before walking closer. "I'm Willows grandfather, Lucifer. And what might your name be?"

"Jasper Hale sir, a pleasure to meet you." Jasper says. He slyly moves me behind him and stands taller. His stance becomes tense, and he squares his shoulders. He holds direct eye contact making grandpa smile in delight. "Pleasure is mine Jasper. I'm glad to see you make my dear Willow here happy. As much as she hates to admit it, she truly does enjoy having you as her's."

With that he turns towards Rosalie. "And what might your name be young one?"

"Rosalie Hale sir."

"Ahh Rosalie! What a beautiful name for a beautiful soul!" Uncle Nick rolls his eyes, "can we get back to the task at hand?"

"Ah before we do that, what are you two? Golden eyes, pale skin that seems to look like glass? Nothing I've encountered before." He says looking them over.

"Vampires." I spit out. His eyes light up and a smile takes over his face. "Vampires? How wonderful! I've never seen golden eyed ones!"

Uncle Nick lets out a small growl and grandpa rolls his eyes at this. "Fine Nicklaus, back to the task at hand."

He turns towards the two girls and waves his hands.

Before I could say anything, both Delilah and Juniper disappear.

It's silent before all hell breaks lose. "Wh-why didn't you let us say good bye?" Tears slowly form in Amethysts eyes as she stares at the spots where Delilah and Juniper were. Grandpa goes to comfort her but uncle Nick walks up instead. "Oh please Amethyst, don't act like you care! I mean after all, you left them unprepared. You're a horrible mother!" He yells in her face. Amethyst flinches back and shrink into her self.

Karmen slides in between them, "don't speak to her like that! She did the best she could considering you left us for that whore!" Uncle Nick glares at Karmen. "You don't talk to me like that!" He moves closer but stops when he bumps into Jasper.

He gives uncle Nick a challenging look as he speaks, "Sir I think you should calm down and leave."

"You don't get to tell me what I can do!" He flings Jasper to the side and he goes flying into the wall.

It's like a switch is flicked inside of me and I react.

Everything glosses over and I waste no time in lunging at uncle Nick. I catch him off guard and we tumble to the floor.

Dreams • Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now