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We arrive at some hotel in Arizona. Alice managed to get us a room.

Bella walks around anxiously, impatient at the fact Edward has not called her. "W-what if something happened?! How come he hasn't called?!" I roll my eyes and sit down on the window sill.

"Bella, if anything were to go wrong we would know." Alice states in an attempt to calm the girl down. Bella sits down and bites her nails.

In all honesty, I want James to come after Bella.

I want him dead, and if that means I have to risk her life so be it.

Jasper gives me a look and motions to the bed room. I huff and walk into the room and wait for him. He walks in and softly closes the door.

I wave my hand a thing sheet of white cloth Vera the door.

He walks over to me and presses his forehead against mine, "talk to me darlin, I can't feel your emotions. What going on in that head of yours."

I take a moment to form my thoughts.

"I want him dead... I want them all dead." He holds my waist. "You should have let me kill Laurent." I push him away from me.

I turn around and stare at myself in the mirror. My irises are black and the veins under my eyes are prominent.

"I'm not going to apologize for that. You weren't thinking clearly, I'm not going to let you kill someone without a plan. Also, Bella did not need to see that."

I scoff at his words.

"Seems like everyone only cares about Bella. Bella this, Bella that, what about me!? They killed my parents and the only thing you guys care about is that they after her!" I shout. Tears form in my eyes and he quickly brings me in.

"We care darlin, we do care. Me, rose, and Emmett care more than the rest of them." I sniffle as I break down in his arms for what feels like the millionth time.

"When all this is over I-" he's cut off by Bella busting into the room.

"Something is wrong with Alice!" Me and jasper stand up and walk back into the living room area of the hotel room. Jasper is quick to hand Alice a pencil and paper causing her to sketch whatever she sees.

I look at the paper and see a room full of banisters and mirrors.

Alice snaps out of her vision and looks at the paper in confusion. "A ballet studio?" Bella asks in confusion. "You know this place?"

"Sort of? I took lessons when I was young at a ballet studio and it had an arch just like that." She says in confusion. I frown trying to figure out why a ballet studio has any significance.

"Well Edward says the vision can be wrong or change." She's nervous.

"I wouldn't say wrong, my visions can change depending on the desiccion that is being made by that person."

Bella phone rings making her jump. She quickly grabs it and goes to the other room.

"The tracker changed his mind, he didn't fall for the trick." Alice stands up and looks at me and Jasper.

"Stay here while we check out, do not let Bella leave this room." Jaspers tone is stern. I nod and watch as they walk out the room. I lock the door behind then and take a seat.

Bella comes out the room.

"Where did Alice and jasper go?" Deciding I can be nice and not worry her, I lie.

"Alice said something about needing a bigger room so they went down to see what's available. She gives me a look, "Edward says he's coming to get me and we are going to go south." I fight the urge to snort at her words.

He phone rings again and she picks it up. "Hey mom I'm glad to-mom?" She begins to look panicked making me harden my stare.

"Wait mom just calm down! I'm safe I-" she freezes. I stand up and pay attention to the phone.

"You were so easy to find. Does that god forsaken school not keep their files secure."


I clench my fists but stay quiet.

"Don't hurt her!" Bella barks out.

"You aren't in the place to make demands Isabella. Now, what you are going to do is come to that little ballet studio ,alone," Bella whimpers.

"No lover boy, and no help. Understood." Bella mumbles a yes making me want to scoff.

She can't be that dumb.

"Good, see you soon."

The line cuts making me relax a bit.

She turns around and looks at me. "Did you hear that?" I give her a dumb look.

"I-I have to go save my mom!" I roll my eyes. As much as I don't care about her risking her life. She's reminding me too much of Elena from vampire diaries.

"Sit the bell down and think about it bella! You are defenseless against a vampire."

"We have to save her! That's my mother! You're mother may have already died at the hands of him but I'm not letting her meet the same fate!"

Her words are like a slap in the face.

She storms into the bedroom and slams the door.

I clench my fist and look around the room. Without out thinking I punch the mirror .

The glass surrounds my shoes.

Big pieces.

Small pieces.

All of it.

I look back up into the mirror and see a distorted Bella behind me that looks oddly ditermined. I whip around, angry at her words.

"What the fu-ahhh!" I scream and crash back into the little table behind me. I hold my hands on my face as it burns.

The bitch blew ruby dust into my face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I shout. My vision is hazy due to some of the dust getting into my eyes. I fall to my knees feeling myself get dizzy. I look at Bella one last time and I see her raises a vase.

I feel something collide withe the side of my head and everything turns black.

Dreams • Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now