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Today is the day!

The day I get back at Edward Cullen for constantly putting his hands on me, and kissing me.

I watch the lunchroom doors with a smirk on my face, "Are you sure this is a good idea Will?" Dels asks. I ignore her and focus on the task at hand.

After I yelled at aunt Amethyst and went to my room, Karmen, Delilah, and Juno, came to my room asking for details. I told them what happened and three things happened.

Karmen hated Rosalie more than ever.

Delilah was scared.

And Juno wanted to get back at them, specifically Edward.

Obviously I agreed to what Juno said considering I hate the auburn boy. So, we hatched a plan. It wasn't the plan I had in mind but none the less. Karmen found spoiled milk, and by spoiled I mean it was turning black. Juno got information from the trees and they told her that vampires can't stand the smell of wolves.

So what did we do?

Pay one of the pack boys $50 so we could shave his fur, specifically by his ass.

After that was done, we put it in the milk so it could smell worse. Now, here we are.

Soon the siblings walk into the loud room and sit at their respective table.

"Karmen?" The red head looks at me with an evil look in her eyes. She hands me the jug of spoiled milk mixed with the fur of the wolves.

Karmen and I stand up, getting ready to walk over to the table. Delilah sighs and decides to follow us, most likely to make sure we don't start too much trouble.

When we get closer Rosalie looks at me with hopeful eyes. I ignore her and focus on Edward, who isn't paying attention.

I waste no time with my next actions.

I open the jug of milk and pour it over The vampire. I hear people gasp, but I ignore them. Edward quickly turns around and I quickly land a right hook to his face. I guess I didn't hold back because he ends up on the floor cradling his face. "I'm going to tell you this one time Eddy, place another hand on me and I'll make sure your souls ends up in hell." His eyes widen at my words and a sinister grin makes its way on my face.
"Ms. Gardner! My office now!" I roll my eyes and throw the jug on the table. The principal grabs my arm and begins to drag me out the lunchroom.

"I hope you remember what we talked about ms. Gardner." I ignore the old man and continue to walk out of the office.

I've been stuck in in school detention all day.

I quickly make my way to the parking lot and look around for Karmen and Delilah. I see them next to the Cullen's and I walk over. "Wow Eddy boy, you smell like shit." He growls at me but is stopped by a growling Jasper. I ignore the both of them and turn towards Karmen and Delilah. "Let's go." They both nod and we go to walk away, but I'm stopped by Rosalie. "Can we talk please?" I stare at her with a straight face. "I know I lied and broke your trust so I don't deserve your time, but I want to explain."
  Before I can say anything, the sound of screeching tires is heard. We all turn our heads to see Tyler's van sliding towards a frozen Bella Swan. Next thing I know I'm pushed against someone and a gust of wind makes it's way through my hair. I look up and see Jasper holding me up.

We stare at eachother before I hear Rosalie growl.

"He is such a dumbass!"

I quickly pull away from Jasper and look across
The lot. That's when I noticed Edward stalking off into the woods.

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