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TW: this chapter has a hint of SA! I will let you all know when it begins!

"Jessica why are you bugging me?"

Ever since I stepped foot into school today, Jessica has been staring at me weird. "I want the deets! Tell me how it was!" I roll my eyes and laugh at her excitement.

I knew she had to be following me around for something.

"No can do Jessica. Only one who knows the details is an-Willow can I talk to you?" Bella looks at me with a pleading look. Jessica gives her an annoyed huff before she walks away. I roll my eyes and lean against a locker.

"What do you want Swan?" She looks around and steps closer to me. "Did you notice anything weird about Jasper? Any of the Cullen's at that?"

Not her snooping again.

I throw my head back and sigh, "no Willow just hear me out! You don't think they're weird? Like with their eyes and everything?! Jake told me a story and the Cullen's were involved!"

"Bella, I think that car accident really fucked with your head. Leave me alone, and stop snooping through the Cullen's dirty laundry." I go to walk away but she pushes me back against the lockers.

Did she really just push me?

"You have to know something because you are dating one of them!" My eyes widen.

"First of all, touch me again and I'm breaking your wrists. Second of all, no! I'm not dating Jasper! And if I was, I wouldn't tell you what's going on in Their family! Curiosity killed the cat and I hope that bitch tears your ass to shreds."

I push her away from me, maybe with too much force, and head towards the lunchroom.

I see the Cullen's are at their table and I begin to march over. Jasper sees me, and he straightens up and smiles.His smile calms me down, but I'm angry again when I feel the bruise forming on my back. "You look like you're on a mission." Rose says when I make it to the table. I scoff and cross my arms, "it's because his little bitch-" I point at Edward. "-is snooping and she's questioning me about you all."

Their eyes widen.

"You didn't tel-fuck no I didn't tell her! I may not like you Edward, but I have common sense to not expose someone. I hope you have the same." I go to walk away but I stop, "and if she places another hand on me she's dead." He glares at me and I smile.

I walk over to Ange and Jessica's table only to hear them discussing shopping plans. "Who's car can we take?"

"Mine. I just have to drop off Karmen and Dels at home first." They nod and start talking about something else.

"Do you guys even know the theme?" I ask as I look through the racks. "I think Eric said James Bond." I hum and continue to look around.

Jasper hadn't asked me to the dance, and I don't know if he will. I get anxious thinking about it but I leave that thought alone.

"What about this one? It makes my boobs look big." Jessica says as she walks out of the dressing room. I take one look at the dress and shake my head, "no,no,no! I refuse to let you wear that! Take this. It fits the theme and it's not ugly, and people won't question how you ended up in an ugly dress even though you went shopping with me." I throw
A dress at her and wave her off into the dressing room.

Soon Ange comes out and I smile. She's in a lilac floor length dress, "does this one look ok?" I go to nod but Jessica comes back out. I squeal and jump in place. "Hell yeah, with gold shoes and the right nail color and your hair done! It's going to look so good!" She smiles and looks at her self in the mirror.

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