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"Where are you going?"

I turn around and see amethyst in the doorway. She's holding a glass of wine. I eye the red liquid before looking back at her, "Jasper planned a date. Why are you drinking?"

It's no secret my aunt has a drinking problem. It's started as soon as uncle Nicklaus hit her the first time and he left. After a few yelling sessions with my mom and grandpa Lucy talking to her it stopped, but there are slip ups here and there.

She stays quiet and doesn't answer me. After a few moments I notice tears are rolling down her face. "What's wrong?" I ask walking towards her.

"I-....... Delilah and juniper have yet to come back. I'm worried..... what if they die? The trail only gives you four tries before you're done." My stomach churns at the thought, but I remain calm.

"They will be fine. Delilah is smart, too smart for her own good. And juniper has fire in her. They will come back in one piece soon."

She nods and wipes her tears. She walks further into my room and sits on my bed. "How did your trial go? Your mother never told me what happened."

I shudder at the thought.

"It was dark"

It was a dark September night.

I had a long day of softball practice and hanging out with Alec and Izzy.

I was asleep when I started hearing whispers. I thought it was mom and dad so I ignored them.... That was until I felt someone grab me by my hair and yank me out of bed. I yelled out in shock and pain only to be thrown to the floor.

I scrambled to my feet and tried to run out of my room. I didn't bother looking at who pulled me out of bed, I just knew I needed to run. I swung my door open and tried to run down the stairs but i was pushed.

I felt my head hit the ground and everything went black.

I'm not sure how long I was out for but I think it was an hour or so.

When I woke up I heard birds. It was seagulls.

I was on a beach.

I felt myself being dragged through the sand.

I eventually opened my eyes and I saw these things..... I'm not sure what they were. They were floating and some ragged cloth hanging over them.

Two of them were holding me up and dragging me.

I heard the crashing of waves and I started to look around. We were at Lake Michigan.

Once I remembered what happened earlier, I began thrashing around trying to get away. I started crying and trying to yell out.

We make to the shore and they threw me down into the water. I gasp and quickly raise to my knees.

"Willow!" I turn around and see Alec and Izzy being dragged by the same being. They were both in their pajamas. Alec had a bloody nose and Izzy had a bruise on her chest.

The things pull them into the water and push them to their knees.

"Willow Gardner" I whip my head and see a man above water. He was tall and those rags were covering his face. "Daughter of William and harmony Gardner. A demon and witch hybrid."

"Your powers have been growing. You are becoming too powerful. It must end." Immediately after his sentence my head was dunked under water.

Dreams • Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now