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"Felid trip today, you excited?" Aunt Amethyst has a giant smile on her face as she walks into the kitchen. I roll my eyes and pour myself a glass of orange juice. "Considering It's your green house that I have been to multiple times, and I'm exhausted, not really." I state in a monotone voice. She chuckles a bit and sits down at the head of the table. I turn around and lean against the counter, slowly sipping my citric drink.

A somewhat awkward silence takes over us.

Ever since I yelled at her the day I found out what the Cullens were, things have been awkward for us... well, More so for her and not so much for me. Every time she would talk to me, I would ignore her, or walk away. I could tell that it hurt her.

To have your makeshift sister's daughter mad at you, would hurt anyone.

"You know, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier about the Cullens. I didn't want you doing anything reckless that would harm you or the girls. Your mother and I made a promise to protect each others kids of anything happens to us... I was just trying to keep you safe, please understand that."

I frown a bit and look down at my orange juice, "I get that you were trying to protect me, but you have to tell me and your kids these things. It's not safe to keep us in the dark and you know that." She nods and slowly stirs her coffee. I walk over and wrap her in a hug. "I'm sorry for being a brat. I don't mean to be it's just... a lot going on with me and I haven't fully settled in."

She kisses my cheek and pats my head. "Awwww mom and Will made up! Now it won't be awkward anymore!" I roll my eyes and flick Juno off.

In return She blows me a kiss making me scoff.

Soon Karmen and Delilah come downstairs, only both of them aren't dressed. "Period?" Aunt Amethyst questions. They both nod and slump in their chairs.

"Wow, you're twins and your periods are synced? That's freaky" Delilah grunts and Karmen glares at me. Next thing I know my orange juice is on my clothes. I yelp out from the coldness and drop the glass to the floor, causing it to shatter.

"Karmen what the fuck!" I shout looking down at my clothes. "Karmen! Room now!" Aunt Amethyst shouts. She says nothing and walks back to her room. "Fucking bitch," I mutter as I quickly run upstairs and change.

I throw on some black sweats and a black cropped long sleeve. I throw a beanie on and grab my little jacket.

I go back downstairs and grab my keys. "She's lucky it wasn't my favorite shirt." I say looking at Aunt Amethyst.

Aunt Amethyst sighs and continues to sweep the glass up, "hey Will? Can I come with you instead of going with mom straight to the green house?" Juniper asks me. I look at her then at aunt Amethyst, "Mr. Molina shouldn't care, I'll call him as you two are leaving." I nod and grab my phone. "Well, let's go then," Juno finishes her juice and runs to grab her phone.  We say bye and get in the car.

I get out the car shaking my head, "you're not driving Juno."

She rushes over to me and clasps her hands together, "please? I drove moms car before! She didn't know but clearly it's still working!" I look at her in pure confusion. She stops her pleading and looks at me with wide eyes, "when the hell did yo-ROSALIE HEY!" She suddenly shouts across the lot. Rose looks away from Emmett and towards us. Alice beckons us over and I go to object, but Juniper is already rushing over. I mumble to myself and walk across the lot.

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