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I hear a bunch of whispers.

I sit up and groan at the pain in my head. I open my eyes and I freeze.

I'm in the middle of the woods with a bunch of mirrors surrounding me.

I slowly stand and look around. Mirrors on top of mirrors are scattered throughout the entire land.

"Delilahhh" I whip my head around only to see my reflection. Out the corner of my eye I see a shadow making me turn once again.

It's me but It doesn't look like me.

My hair is longer and more blonde, I'm wearing clothes as if I were Willow, my nails are painted black, and my head is tilted downwards.

I raise my hand and so does the reflection. I put my hand down and stare at it for a moment longer.

Suddenly the reflections head snaps up and there is blood coming from her mouth "boo!" I yell and fall back down in fright. The reflection laughs and suddenly Willow appears.

"Glamours sure can be fun right Karmen?" Karmen appears in the same mirror with a smirk on her face.

"K-Karmen? Will?"

They giggle at eachother before looking back at me. Their eyes are black and they have markings on their body.

The markings looks like bruises, cuts, and lashes. Maybe even burn marks.

"Delilahhh," Willow says moving around. Her imagine transfers through out the mirrors. "Whats happening? Where am I?"

Karmen laughs, "you're in the woods dumbass."

"Why are there mirrors? What's going on!?" Willow groans out. "You know Delilah, you would be much more fun if you didn't act like you are better and innocent than everyone." I rise to my feet and stand back from the mirrors.

"Yeah you should stop acting holier than thou and join us."

"Join you?"

They laugh again.

"Yeah Delilah join us!" It sounds as if they are going crazy. They keep chanting join us over and over and over. Their voices get louder and I cover my ears. "Stop it stop it stop it STOP IT!" I shout.

The chanting immediately stop and I freeze. I open my eyes and their reflections are gone.

I see movement out the corner of my eye making me turn around. Willow and Karmen step out of the mirror but this time they aren't laughing.

They look deadly.

"Grandpa won't be proud of your defiance." Karmen says in a low voice.

"I'm not joining you!" I shout taking a step back.

"You don't have a choice." Willow says taking a step towards me. Without a second thought, I take off running.

"Oh she's just making this more fun." Suddenly I'm thrown backwards and my body collided with the mirror. I gasp feeling the wind get knocked out of me. I shakily sit up and see the two walking towards me.

"Delilah you're weak. You know that. Why run?" Karmen says with a fake pout. Tears begin to form in my eyes. "All you have to do is join us and you can tap in to your full potential." Willow says crossing her arms.

"You're evil!"

"Ohh boo! We all are! You just like to act like you aren't!" As if I was light as a feather, she picks me up by the front of my shirt.

"I think she should go in time out, right Karmen?" Karmen smiles at willows words. Suddenly my body is thrown into the mirror again but this time no glass breaks. I quickly stand up and see I'm in a dark room. "Have fun! There's a surprise in there!" Karmen says right before their reflections disappear.

I gasp and run towards the wall. I begin banging on it, screaming for them to let me out.

Eventually I stop and allow myself to slide down the wall.

What is going on?

Why am I here?

I let out a sob and pull my knees to my chest.


I hear a noise.

I slowly raise my head and look around but I can't see anything.


I hear nothing but scraping.

"Is someone else in here?"

Suddenly I feel a prescience infeont of me.

The lights come on and I gasp seeing myself. I raise my hand and the other me does the same.

"You have to get out of here" I jump noticing she sounds like me. "H-how."

She point to a corner where a couple of candles are along with a spell book.

"Use them." As if she was dust, the other me blows away.

I slowly crawl over to the book and see a spell.

I can't read anything in the book due to it being in another language but I decided to try the spell. I light the candle and recite the words.

Nothing happens making me sigh in frustration. Suddenly the lights flicker and two figure appear. It's Karmen and Willow again but the look scarier than before.

The both raise their hand and point at me before letting out ear piercing screams and lunging at me.

Everything turns black.

Dreams • Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now